Hi! It's been two months since the last status update - could you confirm all surveys have went out, estimated time of arrival, and general what's what?
Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
This user contributed to this community!
I still have yet to get my survey and I picked up two plush colors that I didn't get through this at FanX comic con a few months ago in Utah. Did surveys get sent out and I got missed?
I’ve seen a few of the owl bears appear in my local game store and I have not received mine yet. Can we get an update on the shipping?
Project Update: Fishing Update!
This week manufacturer got back to me about fishing prototypes based on the art we've produced.
I absolutely love them and love the colors! (i am curious what you guys think of the boot being purple as opposed to brown). (also crab arms will be plush, the felt is just temp),
As for other items, hat is still undergoing a little bit of tweaking,
and still waiting on the utility belt (not sure how we're including it yet).
They did look into the double magnet idea, they found it was causing more problems cause when they stuck together it would cause problems.
More updates to come! I do need to put the pin order, so I'm gonna get on that as well (curious, how do you feel about making the druid/bard/rogue pin designs available to you before the next accessories project?)
All the best!
Caretaker Andreas
Sorry if this has already been discussed here, but is there any chance these will be delivered by Christmas?