Bunni's Boutique
about 2 months ago

Project Update: Super Saturday Update & Big Announcement!

Hi everyone!

On this Saturday evening, I'd love to share with you this mimic I created in cooperation with Zenith Comics. They're currently running a campaign of their very own called Heroic.

You might be asking, what in the butts is Heroic? Well... it's a role-playing game where you take on the role of hero--super hero to be precise. The character creation is very in depth, and the customization possibilities are endless. I will be having the pleasure of playing in a live campaign on YouTube! If you're interested in watching, please subscribe to my channel. I do a load of silly videos, most about role-playing, some about cats but they're all in good fun.

you can find my channel here at Dungeon Damsel YouTube!

There will be an achievement announcement that will be connected to following me on YouTube soon, and it involves a free pin! So get ahead of the game!

Back to Zenith games! They wanted me to turn their logo into a super sneaky tonguey monster! Check it out! I hope that one day this cute little Z will be transformed into a proper pocket mimic. Click the mimic to be taken to the campaign where you can learn everything you need to know about the game itself, and download some free comics!

I was given the pleasure of getting some of their merch. The t-shirt is comfortable and classy-- and it kinda makes me want to run off and save civilians for villains.

Now onto another super thing!

I will be hosting a giveaway and I will be announcing it in detail tomorrow! What will this giveaway prize entail? Wait and see in the Sunday update for more info. The prize will be SUPER awesome and worth the wait!

Here's a tiny hint... 

I only have this image in 2 places... do some sleuthing!

Do you know what the prize will be?

Thank you my little mimic community,

user avatar image for Bunni's Boutique




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