Replies to Crimson Terrain: Project Update: First Monthly Update

About the spiky fence corner, I would like that there be grid inside of it to "square" it off, so instead of an L-shaped terrain asset that is just the fence/wall, there is floor to go along with it that matches the edge color, providing additional stability when it's sitting on the table. Then when four of these get printed, these squares can be turned adjacent to each other to make up a chamber. You could also add a strip that includes a door, and these would get laid on top of the other piece. This feedback is from my use of the 1985 Games Dungeon Craft sets, which is how they have their fences/walls designed. 1985 Games has the added benefit of making battlemats to match different terrain colors of those beneath their assets, so if they do have a long stretch of fence/wall, they just lay it on their battlemats, and the terrain floor color on the wall strip matches the battlemat color. If you had access to their battlemats, then you could try to match these color textures. This latter thought is more of a compatibility wish between your sets and theirs, which might not be possible. If your assets match your own map ground textures and colors (a similar texture blend), however, that is a hope.