Latest from the Creator
Xane Daniel
20 days ago
Final Proof and False Alarm!
Hello Unnatural Selectors! We have received our FINAL PROOF of the book, and we have approved it! HOORAY!  We apologize for our false alarm the other day. We got the order of ...
Dungeon Damsel
18 days ago
Shadowdark Showcase: Shadow Celtic
Hi everyone! I would love to showcase a beautiful third party creation from the great Menagerie Press! They have created many an adventure set in the Shadow realm prior to this...
Dungeon Damsel
24 days ago
Shadowdark Livestream Tonight! (And bonus Class!)
The Dungeon Damsel team is bringing their long-running Crystal Saga campaign to the public. Join us tonight for our LIVE debut!  Our 5th and 6th level heroes, the Saviors, have...
Dungeon Damsel
about 2 months ago
The Dry Spell is OVER! & Locking Orders Imminent!
Good news! We are awaiting our second round of proofs, which should arrive within the next week. If all is well, we'll be locking down your addresses, charging for shipping, a...
Dungeon Damsel
2 months ago
New Unnatural Selection PDF is released! v1.4
Greetings Unnatural Selectors! An update has been made -- the latest Unnatural Selection PDF is now available for download through Backerkit. As long as your session hasn't exp...
Dungeon Damsel
3 months ago
A Message From Bunni & Big Announcement!
The Dungeon Damsel herself has something to say to everyone, and the Dungeon Damsel team has an announcement, so stay tuned to the end of this update to learn what it is. With g...
Xane Daniel
17 days ago

Project Update: Final Proof and False Alarm!

Hello Unnatural Selectors!

We have received our FINAL PROOF of the book, and we have approved it! HOORAY! 

We apologize for our false alarm the other day. We got the order of operations backwards. It turns out, we DON'T need to lock in orders! Everything is proceeding as planned -- we have placed the manufacturing order!

As a matter of fact, it behooves us to wait until the books are ready to ship to you before locking your addresses. What if someone moves during manufacturing? So it's a better practice to wait until the books will imminently ship to reduce delivery problems to zero. We just didn't realize this. As you know, this is our first publication of this size, so we're learning on the fly. We were just excited because we got our final proof and we're ready to cook the books! 

We're being told that manufacturing this large order is going to take two months, and then 1-2 months for it to ship to the U.S. (Remember the Shadow Barge? I suppose we'll have the Unnatural Barge to wait for. :)

Thanks for your patience and understanding. Once we make it through this entire process, we'll know it for the next time!

The Dungeon Damsel Team

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Hello is this gonna be delivered anytime soon? I am still waiting and just wondering if this comes through. Greetz

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Dungeon Damsel
18 days ago

Project Update: Shadowdark Showcase: Shadow Celtic

Hi everyone!

I would love to showcase a beautiful third party creation from the great Menagerie Press! They have created many an adventure set in the Shadow realm prior to this new masterpiece.

Menagerie Press invites you into Celtic Shadows. Set in Mythic Ireland and includes cultural notes about Celtic history and mythology, 15+ adventures, two new classes, a bestiary, and more.

Click the image below to find out more!

A Shadowdark-compatible role-playing game setting book and adventure collection for level 1-10 characters.

Here is a sneak peak at the layout, art and design! 

Celtic Shadows includes:
·         Cultural notes pertaining to Mythic, Red Branch, and Fenian cycles of Irish mythology

·         Suggestions for giving your Shadowdark campaigns an Iron Ages Celtic feel

·         Map of Mythic Ireland

·         15+ adventures set in Mythic Ireland

·         Two new classes (the magical druid and raging berserker)

·         Bestiary to swiftly generate Celtic heroes, Firbolg, Fomorians, giants, Sidhe, and magical animal-gods

·         Random encounter tables for overland travel

·         Death's Door, an alternate mechanic for badly injured adventurers

·         And more

It's the FINAL HOURS of this campaign so don't miss out! I've personally backed and awaiting my copy! 

Thanks for listening, 

Bunni & The DD Team

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Dungeon Damsel
24 days ago

Project Update: Shadowdark Livestream Tonight! (And bonus Class!)

The Dungeon Damsel team is bringing their long-running Crystal Saga campaign to the public. Join us tonight for our LIVE debut! 

Our 5th and 6th level heroes, the Saviors, have infiltrated the heavily guarded Shining City in an attempt to wrest the corrupting Crystal Skull artifact from the clutches of the notorious Queen Rhyne. As they prepare for an epic showdown with the queen, they must maintain their guise as emissaries of peace, bearing lavish tributes from the exotic Sandblade Peninsula. They hope that their own powerful artifact, the Crystal Rose, will assist them in this dangerous mission!

In this livestream, you'll see core Sourcebook, Unnatural Selection, and new content from our upcoming campaign book, due to release in 2025. 

All who attend will be receive a new Class from tonight's adventure that you can try out on your own! We'd love to get your feedback as we broaden our playtesting.

Click image below to be taken to the Livestream.

We can't wait to see you there!!

The Dungeon Damsel Team

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Dungeon Damsel
about 2 months ago

Project Update: The Dry Spell is OVER! & Locking Orders Imminent!

Good news!

We are awaiting our second round of proofs, which should arrive within the next week. If all is well, we'll be locking down your addresses, charging for shipping, and starting the manufacturing run! Yes we've said this before, but we mean it! We are super serial.

So that means, if you have an address change, please be sure to update it here on Backerkit.

Also, Dungeon Damsel is back on YouTube after a few month hiatus. Yay! The dry spell is over! Bunni talks about the pros and cons ( haha ) of attending GaryCon, in addition to her normal silliness, including a long awaited CAT BREAK, bursting into multiples songs, and other fun mentionables!

Also one more reminder for the Dungeon Damsel communi-titty!

Less than 4 days left for Bunni's Mimics Among Us Campaign. If you haven't grabbed a hand-drawn mimic pin, you've got a few days left to do so! Click the banner below to participate & learn more.

Thank you all, and I look forward to our next update!
Bunni & The DD Team
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Dungeon Damsel
2 months ago

Project Update: New Unnatural Selection PDF is released! v1.4

Greetings Unnatural Selectors!

An update has been made -- the latest Unnatural Selection PDF is now available for download through Backerkit. As long as your session hasn't expired (or you need to "recover your survey") then this link should take you directly to the download page:

If you find you have having trouble, please let us know -- Backerkit is great and assisting with these sorts of problems as well. (And they will likely be faster than us, since they have people dedicated to resolving any issues you might have.)

This version (1.4) is also being printed as a proof copy, and if everything looks good, this will be the FINAL version of Unnatural Selection, which will allow us to begin the manufacturing process!

Exciting Times!

Ever since we've had the proof copies, running games at the table has been fun and convenient! We look forward to all of you being able to enjoy the same comfort and utility.

See you in the next update!
The Dungeon Damsel Team

Oh, and check out Bunni's Pin crowdfunding campaign that has already started with a bang! (In less than 24 hours, the Early Bird Specials will be gone, so if you'd like to support her, now's the time!)
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Dungeon Damsel
2 months ago

Project Update: A Message From Bunni & Big Announcement!

The Dungeon Damsel herself has something to say to everyone, and the Dungeon Damsel team has an announcement, so stay tuned to the end of this update to learn what it is. With great excitement we present to you this scroll from Bunni...

Click here to check out Bunni's Campaign to learn more! Her campaign launches in just a day on March 28th! And remember, Bunni is still the front face and owner of Dungeon Damsel, and this endeavor will in no way impede her or the team's abilities to bring you the Unnatural Selection book as quickly as possible. Please consider supporting her dreams to bring these creepy mimics to life!

Here is Bunni's favorite design thus far, and one you can find on the campaign!
A true Alicorn

And now for everyone to have a say in what is created... what mimics would you like to see?

Please comment anything you don't see in the poll below. These ideas will be used for Bunni's pins and our upcoming campaign book set to launch on Bakcerkit in the future.

Pretend you didn't just see the secret... SURPRISE!


Also, new PDF drop incoming this week! And a final test print has been ordered. We will be sending out an update referring to the closing of our pre-order store several times over the next couple of weeks. You know what that means right? That means we're gearing up to lock in addresses and order the books! YAY! That also means we will be getting our greedy goblin hands on those deadly dice and dice bags.

So if you need to make any changes to your address, now is the time! Orders will be locked in early April, and everything will be sent to the manufacturers to begin production. So praise Dominus! You little darklings will have your coveted books and goodies to hoard in due time. While you wait, light a torch and count your blessings amidst the darkness-- it is nearly your time for treasures and glory!

With much love,
Bunni & The Dungeon Damsel Team
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Dungeon Damsel
2 months ago
96 votes • Final results




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Hi guys, just wondering when is this going to be shipped? Greetz Oliver





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Dungeon Damsel
3 months ago

Project Update: Premium test book is in, and it's sexy!

Hi folks!

Guess what we have in our hands?

[ insert drum roll here ]

The ever majestic maroon masterpiece! The special edition Unnatural Selection test print has arrived! Check out this gorgeous work of art below.

We found this tome of Vaelthar in the wilds.

Exclusive images of the tomes in their natural habitat.

The perfect couple... these should be on a magazine cover!

Will you be at Gary con? Come say hi to us, and check out the books in person! Keep in mind they are only test prints and we are working diligently to finalize them. We have since made corrections to the cover and the guts of these bad boys. We won't rest until they are PERFECT. 

Now say ooo and ahhh as you watch these tomes in motion! 

There will also be a new release of the PDF coming soon with minor changes, more typographical fixes, and nerfs to Fiend talents to help maintain balance and versatility. Sorry for the delay in updates, but we hope that this more than made up for the wait!

The Dungeon Damsel website has also been getting re-vamped.
New location for the Quickstart here.

That's it for now! Keep an eye out for an update from Bunni and her new adventures in crowdfunding!

Blessed are the Darklings, they say
With torches aglow, lighting the way
In the Shadowdark deep
The Felwraak they creep
I wonder if they'll survive the fray

Love and crits,
The Dungeon Damsel Team




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It's been a while sine someone asked, though I did see the tentative schedule of late April/May for shipping. When will we pay for the shipping costs? Some of us need to look at our budgets and a surprise charge is not what we want.

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Dungeon Damsel
4 months ago

Project Update: Shadowdark Content Appreciation

Hi everyone!

Today I'd like to share my love and appreciation for the Shadowdark community by sharing great third-party Shadowdark creations. We've had such wild success with our campaign, that I'd love to spread the word about other indie developers and help them be seen by the community, so that Shadowdark as a whole can continue to thrive.

Let's take a look at William Burakami-Brundage's campaign setting RATS OF UL-GOL. Founder of Menagerie Press, William has created several successful Shadowdark Kickstarter campaigns, full of great creativity, epic content, challenges and depth.

About William

He's super excited about Shadowdark and just finished his 50th session in his Greyhawk West Marches campaign. He loves how simple it is to make new things for Shadowdark - it’s a joy for him as a designer, GM, and player. He's also helping to organize Shadowdark, Basic D&D, AD&D, and other RPGs in the Portland, Oregon metro area and welcome new players to come by and play. William is dedicated to expanding the Shadowdark universe, and generating quality, deadly, fun and intriguing stories and settings for us fans to explore. He is one of many who strives to keep the darkness alive!

About The Book:

Will and his friend Bill were keen on writing adventures that a GM could plug and play, while also letting a broader story unfold. There are a total of eight adventures within the pages of this epic tome, so if you're a GM that requires a quick story for a session--or 10, they've got you covered!

This supplement has adventures that are setting neutral, and feature rat folk, worshipers of Ul-Gol, their daemonic god. The rats are zealots and love to concoct poisons, brews, pastes, and elixirs for devious ends. The book will consist of several Shadowdark-compatible role-playing adventures for characters level 1-5. Each of the adventures comes complete with maps for both the GM and the player to view. Each adventure is set up to take anywhere from one to three sessions to complete. The speed of which is dependent on the players and the style of GMing.

You can read up on each adventure in the KICKSTARTER. Now enough of reading, let's check out some of the art! Menagerie Press has assured me that the art is hand crafted with not AI use or influence, which makes me even more stoked to be supporting them as an indie developer.

Amazing cover art by Seve Marcelo

I was also blessed with being the first to share this never before seen piece of art for the back cover!
Back cover by Seve Marcelo

And a super awesome addition to the carousing and gaming in the Shadowdark landscape, I'm excited to be the first to also introduce Rogue's Dice! Reminiscent of Liar's Dice, Rogue's Dice is a quick game that players can enjoy at nearly any time, and sure to win the favor of the party as a fun and clever tavern past time. Rogue Dice will be present in the Rats of Ul-Gol book.
Rogue's Dice

That's all for now... I'm off to enjoy the festivities of my Birthday! Bunni has leveled up, and is ready to delve into the darkest of dungeons in hopes of finding birthday cheer, present, plunder and cake. 

Stay tuned for more awesome content,
The Dungeon Damsel Team




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Dungeon Damsel
4 months ago

Project Update: PHYSICAL things in our hands! OH MY!

Greetings Unnatural Selectors!

We are doing front flips and back flips over here because today we received... DUN DUN DUN... The first test print of Unnatural Selection! (There will be at least one more as we make corrections. Like the off-centeredness of the cover, for instance.)

It is even more beautiful and REAL than we could have imagined. Check out these photos, and ignore the wet stains from our tears of joy! (We have yet to receive our test copy of the SPECIAL EDITION, but that should be coming as soon as we make our first round of corrections and get it in our hands.)

Oooooh, ahhhh, pages, art, tables, text...

One of Mark Lyon's epic pieces that graces the pages of our supplement.

Not only that, but we also received samples of our slick stickers! You can see how reflective they are, below:

You can see how HUGE and reflective the Vaelthar sticker is! WOW!


Another update (about Garycon) coming soon!

Thank you and stay tuned!
The Dungeon Damsel Team

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Ok, I decided to come out of D&D retirement (haven't played for over 30 years) and decided to run a campaign for my grandson and a few of his friends. The races they decided to play are a Foxling, a minotour, and a ramling. None of which are fleshed out in anything I've seen posted or in any supplements. If anyone would like to give me a hand and steer me in the right direction, the help would be surely appreciated. There are some great people with some great ideas contributing to Shadowdark and the community. Thanks in advance.





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I noticed that a few of the 0-level Characters provided in the pdfs have less than 10 inventory slots. The Shadowdark Rulebook says "You can carry a number of items equal to your Strength stat or 10, whichever is higher." Am I missing something?

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