Dungeon Damsel
4 months ago

Project Update: Shadowdark Content Appreciation

Hi everyone!

Today I'd like to share my love and appreciation for the Shadowdark community by sharing great third-party Shadowdark creations. We've had such wild success with our campaign, that I'd love to spread the word about other indie developers and help them be seen by the community, so that Shadowdark as a whole can continue to thrive.

Let's take a look at William Burakami-Brundage's campaign setting RATS OF UL-GOL. Founder of Menagerie Press, William has created several successful Shadowdark Kickstarter campaigns, full of great creativity, epic content, challenges and depth.

About William

He's super excited about Shadowdark and just finished his 50th session in his Greyhawk West Marches campaign. He loves how simple it is to make new things for Shadowdark - it’s a joy for him as a designer, GM, and player. He's also helping to organize Shadowdark, Basic D&D, AD&D, and other RPGs in the Portland, Oregon metro area and welcome new players to come by and play. William is dedicated to expanding the Shadowdark universe, and generating quality, deadly, fun and intriguing stories and settings for us fans to explore. He is one of many who strives to keep the darkness alive!

About The Book:

Will and his friend Bill were keen on writing adventures that a GM could plug and play, while also letting a broader story unfold. There are a total of eight adventures within the pages of this epic tome, so if you're a GM that requires a quick story for a session--or 10, they've got you covered!

This supplement has adventures that are setting neutral, and feature rat folk, worshipers of Ul-Gol, their daemonic god. The rats are zealots and love to concoct poisons, brews, pastes, and elixirs for devious ends. The book will consist of several Shadowdark-compatible role-playing adventures for characters level 1-5. Each of the adventures comes complete with maps for both the GM and the player to view. Each adventure is set up to take anywhere from one to three sessions to complete. The speed of which is dependent on the players and the style of GMing.

You can read up on each adventure in the KICKSTARTER. Now enough of reading, let's check out some of the art! Menagerie Press has assured me that the art is hand crafted with not AI use or influence, which makes me even more stoked to be supporting them as an indie developer.

Amazing cover art by Seve Marcelo

I was also blessed with being the first to share this never before seen piece of art for the back cover!
Back cover by Seve Marcelo

And a super awesome addition to the carousing and gaming in the Shadowdark landscape, I'm excited to be the first to also introduce Rogue's Dice! Reminiscent of Liar's Dice, Rogue's Dice is a quick game that players can enjoy at nearly any time, and sure to win the favor of the party as a fun and clever tavern past time. Rogue Dice will be present in the Rats of Ul-Gol book.
Rogue's Dice

That's all for now... I'm off to enjoy the festivities of my Birthday! Bunni has leveled up, and is ready to delve into the darkest of dungeons in hopes of finding birthday cheer, present, plunder and cake. 

Stay tuned for more awesome content,
The Dungeon Damsel Team




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