A Unicorn Key campaign is coming in less than THREE WEEKS! I'm over here breathing into a paper bag and trying not to panic. It still feels completely unreal to hold these cards in my hands. (And I can't wait until they are in YOUR hands!) It really will be a dream come true.
I've got the Companion Guidebook proof copies on order and I'm so excited to see it in print! Here's a sneak preview of the cover:
Companion Guidebook cover!
Thank you so much for following along! I've added a FAQ section to my webpage to answer common questions you may have: https://www.ellenmillion.com/unicornkey.php Please share the project and the page with anyone you know who might be interested in having a unicorn deck of their own! <3
And if you don't have enough gorgeous decks in your collection, check out 78 Tarot's 10th anniversary deck - I have one of my favorite cards in this set: the 7 of cups!