GBM does a great job at refining some of the rough edges in the original mechanics of Blades, but one aspect I'm wary of is certain playbooks having additional XP triggers. Even with the Player Agenda explicitly warning, "Don't be a weasel", I've found that these extra triggers can snowball over time, leading to uneven rates of character advancement. Eventually, this tends to result in an "Angel Summoner and BMX Bandit" dynamic, where one character becomes noticeably more competent than another, even though both are playing the game normally. I'm considering editing abilities to replace "mark xp" with "create a link with yourself" in my upcoming GBM campaign. (My first instinct was to ban additional XP triggers entirely, but they're integral to the Guardian's starting ability.) This change captures the essence of the trigger having a somewhat "selfish" reward that pays off sometime in the future -- but I'm worried that this change might undercut the way that Links are designed to encourage teamwork, and also the uniqueness of the Harmony's Bonds of Love ability.





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