Fred Benenson
10 months ago

Project Update: Fresh Feature Alert: Jar Type Selection & Privacy Settings

Hello, Breadwinner backers,

I hope you're all kneading away at some tasty data-driven sourdough. I'm thrilled to share some freshly baked updates that I've rolled out:

1. Jar Type Selection: You now have the freedom to choose the type of jar you're using with Breadwinner. We've added support for standard wide-mouth mason jars in sizes 24oz, 32oz, and 64oz, along with the default 16oz jar that comes with Breadwinner. This means your graph should calculate the height of your starter properly (as opposed to showing very strange multiplier values).

You can configure your jar type at:

    A few notes on this:

  • Start a New Feeding: Remember to start a new feeding when you switch the jar type. Changing the jar influences the calculations behind the scenes, so your dashboard graphs might look a little odd otherwise.

  • Your Feedback Matters: As this is a fairly experimental feature, I'd appreciate it if you could let me know if anything seems off after making the change.

  • Big Boi Jars: For those going big with the 64oz mason jars, be aware that a fully empty jar of this size can max out our sensor. However, since I doubt anyone is measuring an empty jar, this shouldn't be a problem. The data may be a bit unusual with this jar size, so please consider this a fair heads up!

2. Privacy Settings: In response to your feedback, you now have the option to set your starter's dashboard as private. Just head over to your profile page and you'll find a new checkbox at the bottom that allows you to do this.

This will make sure only you can view your starter's dashboard.

Please note that I'm currently catching up on customer service emails. If you've reached out, rest assured that I will get back to you within the next few days. Your patience is greatly appreciated!

Keep the feedback coming and feel free to continue sharing your experiences, questions, and ideas. Don't forget you can always join the chat on our Discord and engage with the rest of the Breadwinner community.

Thank you for your ongoing support and happy baking!






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