Christopher Badell
9 months ago

Project Update: Do you remember? It's September!

Hello, Heroes!

I'm writing this missive to you from the Seattle airport, getting ready to fly back to St. Louis (after a not-brief-enough layover in the Vegas airport, ew) having wrapped up a VERY successful PAX West yesterday! I got to see a bunch of you fantastic folks at the show, and your excitement for what we're doing here is life-giving! I am also very excited about all of this, of course, but getting to hear from backers and supporters and fans is a lovely reminder of just how cool the Sentinels community is!

Things continue to move right along with the Disparation creation process, and in non-Disparation news, I have been assured by People Who Know Things that the shipping of non-Disparation content is beginning! So, that's great. You should have your stuff soon! Other than Disparation, of course, which is still well on-track to deliver by (or... fingers crossed... before?!) the promised delivery date. So! All good news. I love that.

Also, in other non-Disparation but still related news, Trevor is working on a Rook City Renegades video! Kinda like this one but also different. It's far from done, but I'm excited to share it with you when it is! Something to look forward to.

OK! I'm gonna go board a plane. Keep on saving the Multiverse, everyone!





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