6 months ago

Project Update: em sample complete + surveys closing in one week!

HI! to start off our update, here are the most important bits:

- Since all samples are finalized, surveys will close in ONE WEEK on September 11th!! I am aware of some issues of some backers being unable to add certain items to their pledge. This is a regional issue I believe and I will need to go through and address them on a case by case basis. Please know if you are having issues like this, this deadline does not apply to you.
- While I am still behind on emails and replies to questions here on Backerkit, I now have an assistant who will be helping moderate here and answering emails, which should hopefully help us stay up to date!! Their name is Riot, and I am so very happy to have them here to help out!

SECOND!! Em is FINALLY FINISHED YAYY!! The only thing about the sample that will be different from the final plush is that there are wires in the wings of the sample, but there will not be wires in the final produced plush. if you'd like to watch the turnaround video my manufacturer sent me you can check it out here! https://www.youtube.com/shorts/3dNqxOIiWo4

Em finished sample!!

I also took some pictures of the other samples in my light box. I still need to edit them but here is a google photos link if you'd like to browse them and look at some up close details! https://photos.app.goo.gl/fFHArdxUHWuyDNaS6 and I'm making everyone look at my favorite pictures of Ash I took haha :3

Additionally, I had a few people ask for a video of critter, bug, and dash, so you can see that here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdzKZDMqQkE

One other thing I wanted to make everyone aware of is that the color of Tristan's hoodie is going to be slightly different for bulk production (a little lighter than the original.) This wasn't intended, but when my manufacturer ordered the fabric for the bulk production, it was noticeably lighter than the fabric they ordered for the sample. Unfortunately the fabric supplier insisted it was the same. I like the new color better actually, since it feels closer to what I originally planned - but wanted to make everyone aware that this is the case! here's a few photos from my manufacturer of the creatures wearing them, the one with Sandy and Cy, Sandy is wearing the new color and Cy is wearing the old color.

new color of hoodie on tristan
sandy wearing the new hoodie color, cy wearing the old hoodie color

Production for a portion of the plushies has begun by the way! We are waiting on finalized counts for everything else like stickers, pins, charms, hoodies, and sticker books and such. But once surveys are locked everything else will begin production!

I am waiting on an estimate from my manufacturer as to when they think the plush will be done with production, then I will give an updated estimate as to when I think they'll be shipping out to you all! Thank you again for your patience :)

I have been hard at work getting production files ready and such for this project, placing orders and taking pictures, but I have also been working on a few other things as well! My shop and plushie design are my full time job, so I have to be constantly working on and selling new things in order to keep myself alive and fed! We are already working on samples for my next campaign that will launch some time early next year, and will feature a few familiar faces :) 

Hope you're having an awesome week!! :D

- Han
user avatar image for Hannimations





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