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Hymgho Premium Gaming Supplies
4 months ago
The personality of dice
For gamers it's all to familiar of an occurrence to pick up a new set of dice and have it invoke an image in your mind of the character you would play while using that set.  Dice just have a way of telling you who they are, you know?  Sometimes they outright demand that you pl...

If we pledge a higher amount, will we be able to use those extra funds after the campaign to add additional sets of dice? For example I am interested in buying 2 or 3 sets of the rounded resin and perhaps 2 of the liquid core d20s. I am currently backing at $15 for the one set of rounded dice, but I would happily up that pledge now if the funds can be used this way.

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For gamers it's all to familiar of an occurrence to pick up a new set of dice and have it invoke an image in your mind of the character you would play while using that set.  Dice just have a way of telling you who they are, you know?  Sometimes they outright demand that you play their character, without giving you much of a choice in the matter, really.  You didn't plan to create that Dragonborn Paladin or that Tabaxi Rogue, but then you stumbled upon those perfect dice and you just had too.   We've all been there, right? 

What character are you hearing call out to you from our Dragon's Eye Hollow Metal Dice?  Which colorway are they calling to you from?  What adventures do you see them embarking on?
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