Howard and Sandra Tayler
3 months ago

Project Update: Status Report: Locking orders and starting shipping

Greetings Backers!

We have some important deadlines this week and it is time for a full status report.


I’ll be locking orders and charging cards THIS FRIDAY. Please double check your order before then and make sure it is correct. 
If you want your order combined and you have not gotten an email from me about that, please email [email protected] so I can get it handled before locking orders. 
The pocket references are done. The posters are ordered. Seventy Maxims is at the printer. Your next full status report will be the week of May 6-10, but there may be small updates sooner than that. 

Ready to Lock Orders

I’ll be locking orders and charging cards THIS FRIDAY, so now is a great time to double check your order and make sure everything is correct. If you wanted your Seventy Maxims order combined with a Mandatory Failure order and you have not gotten an email from me, please reach out to [email protected] by FRIDAY. I want to get all the combos managed before locking orders. 

Shipping starts next week

I’ve ordered shipping supplies. The pocket references are in hand. I’ll probably have posters in hand by Friday or early next week. This means we can begin the process of shipping next week. We’ll start with Pocket references going by themselves followed by posters rolled in tubes. Then there will be a pause in shipping while we wait for books to arrive. 

Deliverable Progress

  • Seventy Maxims Reprint – At the printer! I don’t yet have a completion schedule, but the last time I worked with this printer turnaround was about four weeks. 
  • Pocket Reference – DONE! I have 2000 of these waiting to ship.
  • Blue Poster (1 column) – At the printer! I expect these to be done end of this week or early next week.
  • Brown Poster (2 column) – At the printer! I expect these to be done end of this week or early next week.
  • Illustrated Maxims digital images – DONE! You can collect these now by logging in via your Backerkit survey link. 
  • Seventy Maxims PDF – DONE! This will be available once orders are locked and payments collected. Probably first thing next week.
  • Poster PDFs – DONE! These will be available once orders are locked and payments collected. Probably first thing next week.


This project was designed to move quickly so that it could fit neatly with the shipping of Mandatory Failure and not cause any delays. I’m pleased to report we seem to be succeeding at that. For the most part the work was pretty straight forward. 

I hope to do an update post with pictures of the posters and shipping process once we get started on that. Your next full status report will be the week of May 6-10.

Thank you so much for backing our project!
Howard and Sandra Tayler





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