Severed Books | Severed Toys
6 months ago

Project Update: We are very close to shipping! NEED YOUR ADDRESS (if you haven't yet)

Hello! Justin here!

We are pretty close to shipping all the racks. They are coming straight from the factory so we need you to fill out your address here in Backerkit to deliver them. If not, your racks will be stored at our fulfillment center and you will have to pay extra shipping charges. These are heavy, large packages so you do not what those extra shipping charges.

Here's a fun pic of all the signs that will be coming with each rack! 30! Thank you to all the amazing publishers who participated in this fun project.

If you have any questions, please email [email protected]

What do we have coming up in 2024? A LOT! Here's some of the big ones:

Severed Toys is excited to announce our first-party collaboration with Johan and Pelle of Mork Borg! The articulated action figure will be coming to Kickstarter in spring of 2024. Sign up for alerts at

Mork Borg Adventure names VEILGRAVE by Morgan King and Phil Gelatt, creators of The Spine of Night. Illustrated by Justin Sirois

Ax-Wielder Jon Action Figure with Nick Pitarra.

We offer wholesale for nearly all of our exclusive merchandise. Browse what you want here with 50% off and a minimum order total of $250 with free shipping in the U.S.: 

We do have a minimum order of 3 per item type meaning if you want the Master of Dungeons enamel pin, you have to order at least 3 of that item type.


Justin Sirois and 




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