Latest from the Creator
Tam Henderson
4 days ago
Shipping update!
Well its been all go! The decks have set sail heading to our fulfilment specialists. We have had a few delays, quite normal I'm afraid, and the shipments are due to arrive in t...
Tam Henderson
about 2 months ago
The Decks are shipping! And pictures of the first decks from the mass production!
We have cleared the factory and the shipments are on their way to ports! When I have confirmation of our ship names I will update so you can track the ships with me. We are est...
Tam Henderson
3 months ago
Fulfilment Thread
Please comment here with any shipping questions. Please don't put any personal information like addresses in here! If you need to change it let me know and I can reopen your survey for you!!
Tam Henderson
3 months ago
A production update
I have now received confirmation that our factory will be able to ship the Deck of Many Insults in the next 2-3 weeks. so we are on track to get you your rewards in May. I am a...
Loke Battle Mats
4 months ago
A Look at the Pre-Production Sample and please complete your Backerkit Survey!
This is a video update with our pre-production sample of the Deck of Many Insults. We have made a couple of adjustments - mainly brightening up the cover and the back of the ca...
Tam Henderson
5 months ago
Update on production and your digital files are here. Here comes the pledge manager!
Happy New Year to all our lovely backers! Over the festive break we have been editing, testing and finalising the cards and digital content, and we are delighted to say we are ...
Tam Henderson
4 days ago

Project Update: Shipping update!

Well its been all go!

The decks have set sail heading to our fulfilment specialists. We have had a few delays, quite normal I'm afraid, and the shipments are due to arrive in the warehouses in the UK & US in early June.

This means you will be receiving your rewards in June so not long to wait!

US Backers - your orders will be sent form our US warehouse
EU - your orders will be sent form our UK warehouse with all duties and taxes/VAT paid.
UK, Canada, Aus, NZ and everyone else :) - Your orders will also be coming from our UK warehouse.

We are really excited to get your rewards out to you, the cards have come out beautifully and we are so happy to share these with you!

For those of you who are coming to the UK Games Expo we will be there with samples to view, so swing by and say hi, we're on stand 539 in hall 1 :)

As always if you have any queries or concerns please reach out to us store at lokeltd dot co dot uk.

Matt & Tam
Loke Battle Mats




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Tam Henderson
about 2 months ago

Project Update: The Decks are shipping! And pictures of the first decks from the mass production!

We have cleared the factory and the shipments are on their way to ports! When I have confirmation of our ship names I will update so you can track the ships with me.

We are estimating the cards will be in our warehouses in 4-8 weeks from now, (its a wide timeline allowing for the usual delays and hiccups!)

This is super exciting as we cannot wait to get you the cards! 

We made an adjustment to the final files and lightened the images so the cards really pop!

We also upgraded the card component slightly for a more premium feel. Not strictly needed as our samples were amazing, but we loved the end finish!

Here are pictures of the samples from the mass produced run, they are looking great and we're working super hard to get fulfilment organised so we can get your cards to you ASAP!

Please make sure your address details are up to date and your survey is complete! I will be locking the addresses in 1 week so consider yourselves warned!! 

As usual any questions please reach out to or email [email protected] and we can help!

And finally

We will be coming back to Backerkit this month with our Calendar of Many Adventures 2025!

Level up your 2025 with 12 beautiful Battle Maps, 12 5E Adventures in one stunning wall calendar!

More information here -

Matt & Tam
Loke Battle Mats
user avatar image for Tam Henderson




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Tam Henderson
3 months ago

Project Update: A production update

I have now received confirmation that our factory will be able to ship the Deck of Many Insults in the next 2-3 weeks. so we are on track to get you your rewards in May.

I am afraid there are still some issues affecting global shipping, but we work with experts and are hoping to minimise the effects on our timeline.

We are now booking in the job with our fulfilment houses so this update is to complete your survey if you have not yet done so and if you have just reach out if anything has changed. I will start a fulfilment thread in the comments section so you can jump on that with any questions or issues,

When I have the ship names I will share them here so you can follow the Deck of Insults as it travels to our warehouses.

If you have any queries you can reach me here or email [email protected].

Tam & Matt
Loke Battle Mats





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Loke Battle Mats
4 months ago

Project Update: A Look at the Pre-Production Sample and please complete your Backerkit Survey!

This is a video update with our pre-production sample of the Deck of Many Insults.

We have made a couple of adjustments - mainly brightening up the cover and the back of the cards, other that those details everything was looking great!

We have now approved the manufacture to begin!

When I have a completion date from my factory (which will be early March) we will be able to book the sea freight and let you know what our estimated port dates are! As I mention in the video right now we have some delays relating to the Red Sea and the Panama (adding at most 2 weeks to freight times), but we're hopeful this will be resolved by the time we come to ship. Manufacture will be slightly hit by the China spring break so we are estimating to complete in March.

The fun part is we will be able to share the ship names with you so you can track your Decks as they travel across the globe!

If you have any questions please reach out and let me know! We'll be locking orders and charging cards later on today for those of you who have completed the survey. If you have yet to complete your survey please do it ASAP as we will be starting the shipping plan next month and that is when we'll need to know how many units to send where.

If you can't find your survey email you can recover your survey here -

Matt & Tam
Loke Battle Mats

And finally!

Now the Deck of Many Insults is printing we are delighted to announce our newest project!

The Terrain Set is a set of Two Books of Battle Mats featuring terrain maps, including 4 pages of reusable Add-On Scenery decals to create your own map layouts.

We're live with this project over on Kickstarter now!





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Tam Henderson
5 months ago

Project Update: Update on production and your digital files are here. Here comes the pledge manager!

Happy New Year to all our lovely backers!

Over the festive break we have been editing, testing and finalising the cards and digital content, and we are delighted to say we are finished!

What does this mean?
We have now passed the final print files to our factory and are awaiting the pre-production sample. This is the final check to make sure everything is as it should be before we hit go on the mass manufacture. Once we approve this it's all systems go!

When we have the sample we'll create a video update to show you these lovely cards!

When to expect the Pledge Manager.
The pledge manager links will be sent out to you this week by email.

This also means we are now ready to release the digital content.
We have now completed and signed off the Digital insults PDF, the Rude Roll Tables and the PDFs for the stretch Goals.

We will be delivering the files via DriveThruRPG, and we will be sending you links to get your downloads via Backerkit's pledge manager.

What to expect from the pledge manager.
The pledge manager is very important and it's really important you complete the survey we're about to send you.

This is where we
  1. Collect your address to ship physical rewards
  2. Confirm your pledge level
  3. Select any additional purchases
  4. Charge shipping & VAT
  5. Distribute the codes to access your digital content

We can't send your rewards if you don't complete the pledge manager so please keep an eye out for the email to access the pledge manager!

If you have any queries please drop us a comment and we can help you through the process!

In terms of our timeline we remain on track to complete factory production in late Feb (we have to work around CNY), the main unknown factor which could affect our timeline are the current challenges with international sea freight which we are monitoring closely with our shippers.

The next update will be a video of our pre-production sample and we'll be able to confirm our projected timeline when manufacture is completed and we have estimated port dates from our shippers :)

Matt & Tam
Loke Battle Mats

user avatar image for Loke Battle Mats




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Tam Henderson
6 months ago

Project Update: It is happening!! We are funded and getting ready to make these cards a reality.

Thank you all!
This is a project which is rather different from what we normally do, and we're just so happy to be able to make these awesome cards happen.

And the artwork winner is -

Our poll to decide the artwork on the cards has now closed.
It couldn't have been closer. There was ONE VOTE in it. It ended 50:50, but Birdy (rear) had 144 votes and birdy (front) 143.

So it will be the rear on the back of the card, and we'll use the front image underneath the text (faded down).
The artwork for the back of the cards

So both will be used on the finished cards :)

What Happens next?
If this is your first crowd funding campaign welcome aboard! I have popped a brief first timers guide at the bottom of this update so you know what's going to be happening & when.

Backerkit will charge cards once the project ends, and there is a window of 14 days to correct any card issues which pop up.
After 14 days you'll be imported into our pledge manager and we'll send out the surveys in the new year.

While this is happening we'll be finalising the card content, proofing, editing and then printing. We are aiming to have these cards with you around Easter 2024, I will be able to get a more accurate timeline once we have started printing.

Digital delivery will be in January. we'll send out the PDF's using the pledge manager "digital downloads" tab, and DriveThruRPG will be our digital fulfilment partner.

If you had any issues with your payment don't panic! You'll still be imported into the pledge manager survey and you can settle any outstanding funds owed at this stage.

We'll update every 2 weeks or so with news on manufacturing, shipping and other news as it comes up.

Let the adventure begin!!

Matt & Tam
Loke Battle Mats

Includes Backer-Exclusive Content
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Loke Battle Mats
6 months ago

Project Update: Video Update with a very rough prototype!

We are super excited to show you these prototypes of the cards we produced!

These are smaller than our finished cards will be, and of course don't have the same print quality, but we hope you are as excited as we are by this prototype.

These locally produced samples will be used for me to proof read and edit before we go to print on the mass run!

We used the artwork which is currently winning in our poll, make sure you vote for your favourite artwork! We'll keep the poll open until we finish the campaign, at which point its onto preparing our sample with our main factory.

We are still closing in on our final stretch goal, please keep sharing this campaign so we can hit it!

As we approach the 24 hour mark I just wanted to say thank you all for backing this project, and we're super excited to be making these awesome cards!

Please reach out if you have any questions!

Matt & Tam
Loke Battle Mats
user avatar image for Tam Henderson




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Loke Battle Mats
6 months ago

Project Update: Our Final Stretch Goal!

We have charged through another stretch goal! Now we are delighted to include 10 rather "interesting" spells in your digital packages :)

And nextwe would like to announce our final stretch goal, and its super exciting!!

When we hit 1500 backers we will add an extra card, working title "rollable insults"!! This will be a compact roll table printed on a card to generate new two word put downs.....

This card will allow you to roll up some new insults to use in your games, and is a great addition to the card deck :)

Thank you all so much for your support for this project! We're so thrilled with the support and we can't wait to get these cards out to you!

Speaking of which I am able to share a draft timeline with you. 

We hope to have the final insults and card designs to print this side of Christmas, and hope to clear factory by CNY, which would put products in warehouses around April. 

Please keep sharing this campaign so we can hit that final stretch goal and add that awesome extra card!

Matt & Tam
Loke Battle Mats

Includes Backer-Exclusive Content




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Loke Battle Mats
6 months ago

Project Update: Announcing our next stretch goal!

We have been truly blown away by the support for this project!
Honestly, your support has been awesome and we are flying through stretch goals!

Now we have smashed through our 750 backer target, we will be creating "F#@!ing Fantastic Things" for our backers!

And our next stretch goal will be -

Reach 1000 Backers -
PDF of "S#!% Hot Spells.
Fully laid out PDF detailing 10 slightly suspect spells (5E and Generic Rules).

Slightly suspect spells.

Please keep sharing this project!
And Don't forget to vote for your favourite image for the back of the cards!

And Finally.....
Thank you for all of you who popped by to see us at Dragonmeet! We had a prototype of the cards with us (video incoming!!) and it was great seeing so many smiles and giggles! 

Matt & Tam
Loke Battle Mats




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Tam Henderson
6 months ago

Project Update: And another stretch goal goes! Announcing our next stretch goal!

Thanks to your amazing support we have hit our second stretch goal!

We have passed 500 backers, so we're thrilled to announce we'll create a PDF random roll table "All the places you can $@%! off to". That's 100 rude place names that will bring a smile and/or a wince to any face.

And we are thrilled to announce our next stretch goal!

When we pass 750 backers we will create a PDF of our favourite 10 magic items. "F#@!ing Fantastic Things" will be 10 detailed rude magic items with stat blocks and created for 5E.

F#@!ing Fantastic Things

As you can probably tell we have been having a lot of fun creating this project, and we're super happy to be creating more content for you guys!

Please keep sharing this campaign so we can hit more stretch goals and make more saucy content!! Honestly we're really enjoying this adventure :)

And don't forget to vote on our card designs! Poll is attached to this update and on the community tab on the campaign page. Its really close between the 2 designs right now.

If you have any questions please reach out to us here in the comments.

Matt & Tam

Loke Battle Mats




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Tam Henderson
6 months ago

Project Update: Stretch Goal Achievement has been hit! And just see what we have in store for the next stretch goal!!

We have hit our first stetch goal!
We have over 250 (actually over 300 now!!) backers, so we will be writing a fully illustrated and laid out PDF stat block, of our cover dragon Birdy. It will, of course, have a saucy twist and honestly we are really looking forwards to this!!

Our next Stretch Goal achievement will be unlocked when we reach 500 backers and will be -
All the places you can......

We will add a random roll table of 100+ naughty place names to use in your RPGs. 

So please keep sharing this campaign so we can make this awesome package even better!!

And finally don't forget to help us decide on the artwork we use on the back of the cards! You can vote in the poll attached to this update, and in the community tab on the main page!

Thank you for your support on this rather different adventure for us!

(We're actually super close to hitting the 500 backers so yay! I will start getting our next stretch goal ready to announce!)

Matt & Tam
Loke Battle Mats




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Tam Henderson
6 months ago

Project Update: Funded in minutes! These amazing insults are happening!!

Thank you all so so much!

Now we are just so happy these cards are happening, its something we've wanted to make for ages and we hope these bring as much banter and laughter to your tables as they have to ours.

Please keep sharing this campaign. We have some super cool stretch goals planned, firstly

When we reach 250 backers we'll write a stat block PDF for Birdy, the dragon in our artwork.

Birdy, our rather grumpy cover star, has been beautifully illustrated by the awesome James Hayball who we have been lucky enough to work with on a few projects. And for this stretch goal Birdy will get a full stat block, description and detailed attacks.

And as I say on the campaign page, Birdy's fire breath attack may not come from the front end, so prepare yourselves for some more unusual dragon attack moves.

And please do take a moment to help us decide on our card artwork. There is a poll attached to this update, which can also be found on the campaign page, so you can let us know your thoughts.

And finally if you think you can throw a better insult than we can, then head over to the comments and let us have it!

Please reach out with any thoughts and queries!

Tam & Matt

Loke Battle Mats





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