Magnetic Press
3 months ago

Project Update: The final stretch (goal)! TWO DAYS LEFT!

Hi everyone!

Yow, we are a little late in updating the page with the FOURTH UNLOCKED STRETCH GOAL which you knocked off the list on Monday... Sorry for that lapse! It has been an extremely busy time here behind the curtain, and I've been distracted with some personal matters that really should have no bearing on this project. I had to slap myself on the forehead when I realized last night that you had UNLOCKED THE POSTCARD PACK and are probably wondering what the next (last) stretch goal is... let it be revealed!

We're really hoping to add these to the current bundle of stretch goals (we love us some coins). Plus -- it's practical! For those tight situations where you're not sure how much you love someone, you can flip the coin to determine whether you love them today or FOREVER... 😜

Some of you may be wondering what a coin has to do with comics, but we've been producing these collectible coins as premium stretch goals for most of our campaigns to date (24 out of 36 so far), and they've become kind of a sought-after thing... The most enthusiastic Magnetic Press buffs have built up quite a collection over the past 4 years, and we're happy to keep that tradition going!

This next goal will be the last at $50k... it may seem a bit off with only 2 days left until closing on Friday, but it's not totally out of reach! If you've been sitting on the fence watching the campaign and debating whether to join the party, now's the time! You'll be getting a sweet pack of stretch goal goodies for FREE, and you could help everyone get this pretty coin, too! 

THANK YOU, EVERYONE! We're excited to approach the finish line with you!

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