Twin Stars Backer

Two physical copies of the game. Each box includes:

  1. Storyline Cards: 93 immersive cards that shape the narrative, leading your faction's destiny.
  2. Influencer Cards: 35 powerful cards to support, deal, or influence others during debates.
  3. Card Sleeves: 35 sleeves for your influencer cards so you can upgrade with experience cards.
  4. Experience Cards: 40 plastic, transparent cards to enhance your influencers and gain an edge over rivals.
  5. Description Cards: 38 cards with  unique qualities, guiding your character and faction portrayal, elevating world-building and immersion.
  6. Society Cards: 16 cards that represent society's whims, affecting the direction of the story.
  7. Turn Order Cards: 5 cards to keep the gameplay smooth and organized.
  8. Faction Cards: 5 cards representing the factions competing for control on Ceres.
  9. Manual: Your guide to playing the game, full of instructions and tips to maximize your experience.

No shipping included.

Twin Stars Backer

9 Backers