Charles Ryan
about 1 year ago

Project Update: The Weird Heads into Layout—Plus The Glimmering Valley News

Hello, backers—

Here’s a quick update on the status of The Weird.

Right on schedule, the book moved through the editing process over the past month or two, and is now about to head into layout. That keeps us nicely on track for our planned September delivery. Just as this is a super idea-intensive book writing-wise, it’s pretty layout-intensive too. We’ll show you some page spreads in our next update!

The Glimmering Valley
isn’t too far behind The Weird. It’s currently in editing and internal playtest (the design team are having loads of fun with it).

The Weird Deck and the Sites Deck are now in design. They’ll move pretty quickly, since their content is derived from the books. They do have a longer production time, though, so even though they’re close to finished, they’ll take significantly longer than the books to print.

Thanks again for your support!
—Team MCG




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