Charles Ryan
almost 2 years ago

Project Update: This Campaign Has Come to a Wonderful Close

Thank you so much, backers!

Because of your support, along with that of well over 4,000 other backers, The Weird, The Glimmering Valley, The Weird Deck and Sites Deck, the minis, the dice, and the beautiful deluxe edition of The Weird are all going to be awesome!

We have some cool news to share about our next campaign!
And we want to give you a heads-up on the next steps. But first, a few words of thanks:

While this campaign rolled along, Monte and the design team (Sean, Bruce, Shanna, and Dominique) were working hard on The Weird and the early phases of The Glimmering Valley. Bear, supported by Javier (and the many great illustrators they work with), coordinated the artwork and handled the graphic design of this campaign; Teri and Tammie wrangled words and logistics; and Jen and LaTia provided answers and support to you, our wonderful community, here and everywhere gamers congregate online. The man behind the curtain of this campaign is Charles, who has planned and run this campaign.

All of us at MCG want to extend our thanks to you, our backers. Your support brings our imagination to life and to thousands of game tables.

OK, here’s what to expect as we move forward from here—and a peek at what’s next!

This Evening and the Next Few Days

Running this campaign has been rewarding and fun, but running a crowdfunding campaign can also be brutally demanding. And most of the MCG staff has been keeping up with our regular duties throughout—shipping your orders, releasing new titles like The Darkest House, and moving existing projects like the Old Gods of Appalachia RPG toward completion, as well as working on The Weird and The Glimmering Valley.

We're already in the early stages of design for The Weird and the other items you've made possible. We'll be quiet as we spool up but you can expect regular updates as we make progress on design and production (and of course, when we begin fulfillment). If you have questions, feel free to send us a message, but don't be concerned if you don't get a response right away, as we'll be taking a short break and then heading to Gamehole Con over the next couple weeks.

The Next Few Weeks

BackerKit began collecting pledges the moment the campaign closed. But it takes them a full two weeks to release those funds, along with the data on our backers.

In the meantime, we will get the pledge manager fully set up. The pledge manager lets you confirm all the information we need to fulfill your pledge, manage your add-ons, and even (if you like) upgrade your pledge level. We’ll notify you when we open BackerKit, which should be in two or three weeks.

NOTE: The pledge manager is vital to getting your rewards. We CANNOT FULFILL your rewards if you don’t respond to the pledge manager!

The Next Few Months

Once you’ve completed the pledge manager survey, we won’t need anything else from you until it’s time to start fulfilling rewards. We’ll be busy crafting your products and rewards in the months to come.

At times during this period, you won't hear from us, maybe for a couple of months. Don’t worry if that happens—over the years we've delivered millions of rewards to tens of thousands of backers on time, and we'll be working diligently on yours.

But at the same time, please pay attention when you do get communications from us. Our emails and updates include critical information about your rewards.

When Your Rewards Ship

Every time a reward is ready for you, we’ll contact you by email to begin the fulfillment process. Generally, we’ll direct you to the MCG Shop, where you’ll log in, “buy” the product (for free, because you’ve already paid for it through this campaign), and check out.

This is an important part of the process because it ensures we have accurate delivery information for every item we send out. (With thousands of backers getting rewards, it's amazing how many people will change their address over the fulfillment period.) You'll pay for shipping at that time.

Make sure to pay attention to communications from us—don't let our updates or emails go to your spam folder, or otherwise ignore them, because if you do you could miss out on some of your rewards.

This was a wonderful campaign, and we are very happy you chose to be a part of it. Thank you all for your support, and for setting out with us on this weird journey into inspired gaming!

Adventures in the Cypher System—Our Next Campaign!

A cypher is a secret. Something cryptic; something not everyone understands. It holds potential. Promise.

The Cypher System is the critically acclaimed game engine that powers any campaign in any genre. It's easy for beginners to learn, but offers all the depth, nuance, and complexity you want. Some people call it “rules-light,” but it has the power and sophistication of games that are much more mechanically heavy—and yet it is substantially more flexible. GMs find the game easy to prep for and easy to run—it frees up the GM’s attention, in prep and at the game table, to focus on cool, creative ideas rather than numbers, mechanics, and “crunch.” Players find it fast-paced and character concept oriented.

Sign up to be notified about Adventures in the Cypher System, our next campaign. Whether you're an experienced Cypher System player, or are just thinking about testing the waters, this multi-book campaign will hold exciting surprises for you!

Thanks again for your support!
—Team MCG




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