Hey guys, first of all - awesome campaign. This product looks amazing, thanks for your work with it. This is my first time purchasing products from you guys and I'm unfamiliar with what items have and haven't been remastered (or resized) from Next Level Miniatures. I'm ordering miniatures here via this campaign and will, for example, be purchasing the skeleton warriors (A & B). I went onto the website to see what other miniatures I could purchase that could fit that theme and there is the skeleton soldier model (https://www.nextlevelminiatures.com/products/skeleton-soldier). When I pull up the full product catalog on the website, there are 208 products. Is this everything - both remastered and non-remastered content? When I pull up the "Next Level Miniatures" catalog, there are 77 products. Is this all remastered content only? If I purchase the skeleton soldier model (which only falls under the full product catalog), does this mean it will not be "remastered" and would have a different style or size in comparison to the new skeleton warriors I'm purchasing via this campaign? I give this example with the skeletons to be specific, but my main question really is what products are going to match each other between this campaign and the website. If I order other miniatures from the website, will the sizes look consistent with this remastered content?

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