So, i've been working away in the background, and i've managed to edit an older sheet in Roll20 to bring it fully inline with The World Below - it handles all your dice rolls, includes space for your avatar, and also has lots of (collapsable) space to record and log all the details about your character and their various Theses, Syntheses, Sorceries, and everything else - and what's more, you can send this text to the roll window for easy reference, and to show it to the rest of the group. The sheet also aims to help with character creation, all all of the various options given by Community, Dialectic, Ancestry, Calling etc, are all plugged into the sheet as well, so you can easily see what elements each Path grants you. Right now, the sheet will only work for Pro users, but i'll soon have it uploaded to Roll20 so any user can pull it from the drop down when creating a game. Once i'm up to speed, i hope to add in the tabs needed for antagonist stats too, as well as maybe even a Settlement tab, to record changes from the Kalm period. I've got some screenshots and a link to my test sheet on Roll20 on the Onyx Path Discord, as it doesn't seem I can post images here :)





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