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    Press Pot Games RPG Bundle

    27 purchased

    Get the Press Pot Games RPG Bundle, which has: Black Cat, Blue-Collar Conjurer, Chain Mail, Close Encounters, Humans., Meeting Memos for the Modern Mage, Our Innermost Thoughts, Reunification, Syncopation, The Mirror in Hill House, the Portal at Hill House, this world is not yours, and What if you could fly away?

    The Portal at Hill House Zine

    The Portal at Hill House Zine

    12 purchased

    a solitaire journaling game of cosmic horror You have heard of the house for many years, but never sought it out, assuming the endeavor wouldn’t be worth your time. Or worse yet that you would find exactly what you always feared. Yet, something drew you towards its estate—a power, a thread dangling from the unwinding hem of a shirt, longing to be pulled. Reason and history warned you not to make the journey, not to cave to those newly-formed, yet eons-old, desires to seek out the house. However, now you are here... The Portal at Hill House is a solitaire journaling game of cosmic horror that only requires the zine, paper, a six-sided die, and a deck of standard playing cards to play. On kickstarter in October of 2020, The Portal at Hill House is a 20-page RPG zine of cosmic horror. Co-designed with Lindi Farris-Hill.

    Our Innermost Thoughts Zine

    Our Innermost Thoughts Zine

    8 purchased

    Our Innermost Thoughts is a small collection of five RPGs played mostly solitaire. They are experiences about how to find your passion and your voice despite the flaws you have, about how to reconcile the fact that humankind's reign on earth has brought destruction to nature, about how communicating with others who do not look or talk like you is difficult, about observing others intentionally can begin the process of self-reflecting on our means of wrongful judgments of others, and about the beauty of finding joy in the lives and stories of others. These experiences ask a lot of questions, forcing you to reflect on who you are, your background, your status, and possibly even some aspects that have been hidden up to now. On kickstarter in June/July of 2020, Our Innermost Thoughts is a 32-page RPG Zine comprised of five small-form mostly-solitaire RPGs.

    Reunification Zine

    Reunification Zine

    9 purchased

    Your country has been deeply embedded in a tumultuous civil war for many years. Homes were destroyed; lives torn apart; and families separated—including yours. Your family has been separated since the beginning of the war, and making contact has been impossible over the subsequent years. After what has seemed like an eternity, the opposing factions have begun talks, and reconciliation is finally happening. In one year, the walls—both literal and figurative—will be torn down; the country and its citizens will begin the arduous process of coming together. This finally gives you the opportunity to reunite with your long-lost family. The government has encouraged you to write letters to your family during the coming months, so you may begin the path of reconnecting with each other. But do you even know them anymore? Reunification is a game for 3-5 players where each player takes on the role of one member of a family that has been split apart due to a civil war. Throughout the game, you will ask questions of the other family members in order to get to know them and build up familiarity, empathy, and compassion with each other. It is a game of questioning and writing—in hopes of gaining insight and perspective, understanding and trust. Successfully kickstarted in February of 2019, Reunification is a 32-page RPG Zine with fantastic artwork by Annette 'Netters' Villa.

    this world is not yours Zine

    this world is not yours Zine

    19 purchased

    A 1-2 player RPG zine about generations, change, and what you leave behind The world is slow to change, yet ever-changing, and we are mere players on tiny stages that we have somehow managed to make revolve around us. Fortunately, the world continues to spin despite our attempts to slow down time. With our time here, where should our focus lie? On ourselves? On the world around us? On each other? Ultimately, what legacy are we leaving behind when it is time to pass on, and what are we giving to those who come after us? In this world is not yours, one player plays the roles of numerous families over the span of four generations, while the other person plays the role of the house they live in. Over time, the families change and grow, while the house remains as it was, yet still changing and growing with the families as they do. Players alternate taking turns exploring three different elements of their shared history: Events, Environments, or Emotions. These are written on notecards and laid out between players, creating a visual representation of what is left behind. 32 pages, A6-sized zine