
I've been reading "Trickster makes this World" by Lewis Hyde. Serendipity. This is also Comment attempt #3 because of Chaotic Deletion... Thanks, Universe of chaos for making me re-do this over and over... Mistress of Mischief. Traditionally the Trickster has been Male in most of history and folklore but let's subvert this with some "Loki Energy" as my wife likes to call it when I am expressing my deepest nature. Although I think an Amorphous gender-neutral entity would suffice, perhaps even representing both sides and its lack of firm relation to either would also be appropriate. I Envision an Octopus, the ultimate Clever Shapeshifter and Subversive agent, each arm taking on another animal form or Trickster nature, The Raven or Blue Jay, The Coyote or Fox, The Hare or Rabbit, The Spider, The Monkey, the slippery Salmon, The Net/Trap and Fire and or Tools as a potential image layout. Selected Wikipedia input for lazy consideration: Hynes and Doty, in Mythical Trickster Figures (1997) state that every trickster has several of the following six traits:[1] fundamentally ambiguous and anomalous deceiver and trick-player shape-shifter or master of disguise situation-inverter messenger and imitator of the gods sacred and lewd bricoleur Potential DIE faces: The Net - Trap maker - Trap Escaper, there's a lot that this could represent so I'll leave it ambiguous. Devil's Advocate-Polarity-Flip the script - Consider the other side of things. Purposely subverting the traditional interpretations. Portal-Doorway-Path finder- Transition. Specific implementation needs deep consideration. Fire-Tools-Light-Bringer-Inspiration - Copy- Mimicry- Taking on the skills and abilities or interpretations of other lord powers. I like the idea of flipping meanings just for the sake of it. Forcing re-rolls of a quadrant or specific dice in a direction just because seems like a Trickster move. Other influences to consider that I'd personally like to highlight Anansi - The spider trickster of African origin. He considers himself cunning enough to trick and outwit anyone, but is also proud, lazy and impulsive, which often proves his undoing. Pan - God of shepherds and flocks. He is a satyr: a creature that has the upper body of a man and the legs of a goat. In many stories, they talk of Pan, or just satyrs, in general, are known to play tricks on people, especially children, for their amusement. El-ahrairah - The Prince of Rabbits, or the "Prince with the Thousand Enemies"; the trickster folk hero of the rabbits in Watership Down. Sun Wukong - Irrepressible Monkey King of Chinese mythology, whose exploits are described in Journey to the West. Puss in Boots - A clever and magical cat who tricks a king into raising a lowborn miller to the station of a great noble, and defeats a shapeshifting ogre by tricking him into becoming a mouse. Prometheus - Tricks Zeus over sacrifices at Mecone, steals fire on behalf of mankind. Kitsune - In Japanese folklore, they are described as "tricksters" with no care for the concept of right or wrong. The Fair Folk in many European cultures. The Pink Panther - A character featured at the start of the film and the animated series of the same name. Hermes - Messenger of the gods in Greek mythology (or Mercury in Roman mythology), patron of travelers, boundaries, and thieves. Notably stole a herd of cattle from Apollo in his youth, but then invented the lyre and gave it to Apollo as payment. This truly was my third attempt at a comment, I've installed several "text box version saving software extensions" into my browser at this point. Out of sheer frustration. I will not be deterred from adding input!


That's a great book! And I second the El-ahrairah suggestion.