Replies to Publishing Goblin: Project Update: The 22nd Lord and Die Vote

Hm... I know it seems like doing one round of voting might be best, but I think it might be best to do a second or even a third voting round. Not with all the same choices, but rather by trimming down the "Winning votes", like taking the top 5 or top 3 at the end, and do a second vote. Primarily because since ya only get one vote, it ain't account for if people are stuck between two choices and WOULD choose the other, if not for the former. D: So as they trim down, if one thing they want goes away, it'd give them a chance to at least go for something else they'd like in it's place. Or perhaps I'm thinking too much on it, and a single vote is for the best! All the same, while I know I put my suggestion for that Kamaitachi/wind weasel thing in the comments, seeing "El-Ahrairah", a prince of rabbits... >.> I totes wanna see a Bunny lord.


That could be cool, if time and resources allow for it! Perhaps we should request for Backerkit to add a ranked choice voting system in the future lol. That'd be even more representative!


I very much agree. Especially with the amount of options for names being 24, I would encourage there be a second poll with the top 6 or so. That way if people voted on one that didn't get high enough, they still have a chance to vote for a different one they'd prefer of the ones that did make it to the second round. I definitely feel as though one round of the die faces is good enough, though, as we can choose multiple there. And I'm definitely curious about what Seven means about potentially more than 6 die faces. I'm excited in general to see how this turns out.