Replies to Publishing Goblin: Project Update: Funded in just 2 1/2 hours!

I can't seem to reply -directly- to yer own response, but I hope ya see this still: I can understand it if it felt a bit out of place then to do so. Admittedly, I feel like that'd actually in itself be part of a reading, like if it removed something, that it could mean something transitive in nature, like a missed opportunity, or that if it moved a die, that it means that there could mean something akin to "hidden connections" between the meaning... Buuuuut I also don't know how the actual reading process with the dice go, since I don't have the set or book to reference and can only go off of what I can see. D: Either way, fully understandable, and I look forward to seeing what it the revised die will be like!