Replies to Justin D. Jacobson (Board Game Necromancer): Project Update: Set Your Goals High

Not a fan of game expansions that don't work well with each other. Still planning on keeping my pledge for now though. Congrats on passing 1 million!

The heroes, corruptions, and most of the treasure can be used in any mode. By limiting the scope of the monuments/doom skulls mechanic, we are better able to tune it. That way it can keep it's flavor and be a more interesting play experience. The down side of trying to fit every new mechanic in with every other is that you will end up with problematic interactions that require rules exceptions or that you water down the mechanic so much it become uninteresting.


Will it be possible to add the power skulls when playing with monuments? (I know I can still add them by myself but I mean with the app telling you how many and which type to put depending on foes)