A community compendium of house rules for The Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG. This book defines a full methodology for solo and Wardenless play and includes house rules for everything from downtime to cybernetics.
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We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season!
This is a short and positive update. We’ve gone into production with the printers. We’re finalizing digital copies, and we w...
RV Games
2 months ago
November - Progress and Shipping Update
We have a short update coming into December. First, we've finished indexing, and I am just finishing typesetting and final proofing. We will be distributing finalized digi...
RV Games
4 months ago
November Update - Indexing Progress, Survey Reminder
Happy Spooky Month to Everyone!
We don't have an extensive update this month, we've just been heads down throughout October and are relishing the weather change here in Cali...
RV Games
5 months ago
Surveys Are Finally Coming!
This is a brief update. I had some technical issues to sort out over the last few weeks getting surveys and SKUs set up on the back end, but things are now ready to go. The Smok...
RV Games
5 months ago
Draft Finished, Digital Distribution, Shipping and Fulfillment Update, Surveys Coming Soon!
Good evening!
As I’ve polished up my non-indexed draft of Advanced Rules for distribution to y’all, I’ve scratched my head as to how I would like to distribute this copy to bac...
RV Games
6 months ago
August Update
I can't believe we're already here at the end of August. It has been a hellacious summer for me. This is where I slip into my personal essay mode (which you may have seen in my ...
Channeling the second book included with all Game Designers’ Workshop games, Advanced Rules is a text only zine of house rules for the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG 1e from the Mothership community with a focus on rules adapted from RV Games online magazine, The Adventure Gaming Periodical. The WIP rules are viewable here, this web page version of the project will always be free for community use.
Included in Advanced Rules
Solo and Wardenless Play Guidelines by Violet Ballard
Some Ship Combat Rules by Joshua Justice
Miniships by Greenspore
Streamlined Debt and Downtime System Adapted From Rules by Jack Shirai
Psion and Psionics by Monovektor
Surgical Rolls by Violet Ballard
Social Rolls by Violet Ballard
Ultimate Bad Ass by Christian Sorrell
Squad Combat and Stacking by Violet Ballard
Exploration Procedure Using Dynamic Tables by Violet Ballard
Grid and Zone Maps by Violet Ballard
Additional Classes by Joshua Justice, Christian Sorrell, and Violet Ballard
Cybernetics, Drug, Robotics, and AI Design Sequences by Violet Ballard
G.O.B.L.I.N. - Gremlin's OGRE Basics: Living in Neuralware by edbury
All of the rules are being revised for the final 1e version of Mothership with professional editing by Roz Leahy beyond their original online publication.