TEGN - Redux | Premium Edition

The Premium Edition of Tegn - Redux comes with a slipcase and a bookplate signed by the artist. With 400 pages this book's slipcase is made to last and to protect your copy. Printed on offset paper. The format is 214 x 280 mm.

This edition will not be available in bookshops after this campaign, so make sure to grab your copy!

The design has been improved to fit the narrative without impacting the presentation of the artwork, and the entire story was rearranged and edited to give you a more cohesive experience while you dive into Even's universe of dwarves, elves, and dragons.

Shipping will be collected after the campaign through the surveys. We offer low-cost international untracked shipping but you can upgrade to tracked shipping by contacting us.

TEGN - Redux | Premium Edition

192 Backers