One of the things I did leading up to this campaign is to create a Screentop implementation of Dreams of Yesterday. It's the first time I ever used Screentop, and I had help from a good friend of mine, Xoe Allred (although any flaws in the implementation are my fault, not its fault lol).

The challenge!
Anyway, this creation of the past is now a challenge for today (and the future): let's see how high of a score you can get! You can do this against another player (or players) or solo, just reply to this discussion with player count ("1" for solo, even though you're playing against an "opponent") and score, like 1/17 or 2/18

Feel free to share moments from the game as well! For instance, in one game I played against Angel, I'd gotten an urn and was trying sooooooooooo hard to get a second one to end the game, but wasn't able to do so. Even without a second urn, I won because the one I had earned me a BUNCH of extra points! 🥳

How do I play it?
The print and play is here:  Print and Play Link

And here are two different digital implementations. I highly recommend Screentop as it's free and playable right in your browser!
✨ Screentop:
✨ Tabletop Simulator:

Streaming tonight: Justin!
Chelsea made this awesome image! Go Chelsea 🙌

Justin will be playing Dreams of Yesterday tonight at 8 pm eastern on the Weird Giraffe Games Twitch channel. He'll be using physical cards, so you can get a good look at the gorgeous art while he's teaching and playing it! He's absolutely fantastic with teaching games, so it'll be awesome to watch (I plan to be there in the chat). Keep in mind that this, as well as the print and play and digital implementations, are not the final versions of the game, and things are subject to change.




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