I'd love to know what your favorite game that involves time travel is!

You want to know mine? Future me told me that you'd ask that, omg she was right! I knew I should've written down those lotto numbers she rattled off...

I honestly don't think present-me has played a tabletop game involving time travel! I've heard of some and seen some Rahdo Runthroughs and stuff but I can't remember playing any...

As for video games, well, that's easy --> Bioshock: Infinite!

The Lutece twins capture so much of the funkiness of time travel so well, but the whole story and concept do a beautiful job with it. I've played it through twice and even listened to a playthrough video once at work to listen to the story lol. Heck, my name will legally be Elizabeth when I officially change it, and I still think "the bird or the cage" is such a perfect metaphor for being one's truest self. 

So what about you? What's your favorite (video or tabletop) game that features time travel?




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