Greetings and hellos! We're happy to finally announce that the Pledge Manager will be opening this Monday, April 1, probably in the late afternoon.  We're doing it a bit before submitting the game to the factory, but we're very close on that. 

The pledge manager will be very simple: You can add on copies of Innovation Ultimate, or cases of Innovation Ultimate. Based on how many you've ordered, it'll calculate shipping and appropriate local taxes (or inappropriate, depending on your opinion of tax rates!), and then you will pay for whatever you hadn't already pledged.  If you backed for $1, that dollar will go toward your pledge. If you're coming in as a pre-orderee, you'll pay the full amount. 

We'll push out a BackerKit Update when it goes live, which should go to your emails. 
user avatar image for Asmadi Games - Chris




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