Asmadi Games - Chris
9 months ago

Project Update: Update! Retailer Level, Gen Con recap, Licensing, Art + Design Updates

Hello! The campaign is cruising along, with close to 2700 backers and $180K in support, which we are very pleased with - a sincere Thank You to everyone who has chosen to back this project. With so many folks interested, we're going to be able to do some Cool Things.

First up, we've enabled our Retailer Pledge option, for 12 games, at $540.  We're thrilled if any stores want to be part of the campaign, but we also understand that it might be easier for you to use your normal distribution/wholesale channels. We do plan to have Innovation: Ultimate in stores through normal distribution, although we will be shipping to all our backers first.  Shipping for the retail level is free in the US, and $40 internationally. If you're a retailer and you have any questions, feel free to shoot us an email to stores (at) asmadigames (dot) com.

Gen Con was super fun! We had a demo table rotating between Innovation: Ultimate, Aegean Sea, and some Good Puppers here and there. One thing that surprised me a bit was the number of folks who came by and had never heard of Innovation. It was great to show some new folks the game. Innovation's one of my favorite games to demo because the rules aren't too tough, and the journey of discovery they go through in their first game is really enjoyable to watch.  To anyone who backed from seeing us at the show, welcome aboard! And to everyone else we got to chat with, it was great to see you.  We did get to play some games with The Unseen, and some exciting hijinks ensued with the Slot Machine.

Licensing: Many folks have expressed interest in whether the game will be available in other languages. We have a number of discussions going on right now with partners across Europe and Asia, and we're hoping to have confirmed announcements on many of those starting next week. Those versions won't be part of this campaign - but I don't mind at all if you'd prefer to wait for your preferred language version of the game. There's a lot of text here, after all :)  I do apologize for being coy about which languages are in progress - but we prefer not to announce anything until a contract is signed.

Art and Design Updates: Innovation Ultimate represents an evolution of the card design from 3rd Edition, and some of that's already been shown on the campaign page and elsewhere. Given the level of support for the campaign so far, we're able to invest in more updates. We're still in the early stages of work on this, but we'll have more to show soon (and during the campaign). The focus will still be on clear, clean presentation and ease of use, but we think you'll all enjoy what we're working on. In particular, we're looking to enhance the appearance of the backs of the cards. 

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