Carrie Alyson | Aspenhearted
2 months ago

Project Update: Completely funded!? THANK YOU!!!

What the heck!?? 

This is Carrie, jumping in here to say that Crystal and I are so so grateful and completely humbled by your support, and just incredibly thrilled that you love this dang pin collection as much as we do. It started with a silly but intensely heartfelt idea (and honestly required so much hypocrisy on our parts by saying 'yes' to all the work it would take to make it happen) and it feels great to know that you feel the same way as we do about needing to say NO more often.

We have totally blown through all of the initial stretch goals that we'd planned, but if you can bear with us for a little bit we've got a few more pin ideas up our sleeves. (But do get in on that All-In Early Bird tier while you can, every unlocked stretch goal pin will be included for no extra charge!)

If you want some hints at what might be coming, be sure to:

Vote in this Stretch Goal Poll!

There are more animal friends we'd love to put on a pin, which would you most want to see?
Backers only poll! Ends Sunday at 5pm PST!
(You can also scroll all the way down to vote!!!)

Need more pins while you're waiting for more pins?
Then check out these other amazing projects!

My friend in the 253, Mark Monlux is following up his successful Atomic Age Aliens Series of enamel pins with a Killer Klowns collection that any fan of the movie or campy horror is going to LOVE. We're also fans of trying to find the humor in the horror, so when you back both of our campaigns you'll get a free crossover pin from each campaign!

Kim Kuzuri (who let me bully my way into Folkgore) is back with another brilliant collection—HEX! Inspired by tabletop gaming and game pieces with a dash of nostalgia. There is no crossover collab here. YET.

One of Carrie's favorite pins in Pintopia:
I just love this multidimensional pony from Ocular Beasts—as an artist who loves trippy cerebral motifs like animals with too many eyes and legs, I wish I'd designed this one, I think it's so stunning.

One of Crystal's favorite Pintopia projects:
Last year I read the brilliant sci-fi novel Sorrowland by Rivers Solomon and when I saw Martha’s Flirtatious Fungass pins, it immediately came to mind. I didn’t know that fungus could be sexy but I’ve been convinced!

That's all for now, but we'll be back soon with some new ways to say NO.

<3 Carrie

95 votes • Final results




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