Carrie Alyson | Aspenhearted
about 1 month ago

Project Update: It's the FINAL COUNTDOWN! πŸŽ‰

As we swing into the final few hours of Just Say No and Pintopia 2024, I wanted to reach out with a heartfelt thank you to absolutely everyone who has supported us through this campaign, whether you've backed the project financially or just been here to cheer us on in spirit and love.

It means so much to me as an artist to get to work on creative projects like this with my friends, so we can make cool stuff to share with all of our other friends (that's you).

We're getting so close to unlocking the final pin, our medieval dragon breathing a fiery "Absolutely Not". It's less than $400 away from unlocking, so now's a great time to share the campaign! Repost to save a life!

Also, if you haven't checked in recently to see the newest pins, free stickers, the winning keychain designs, and ALL the stuff that comes with the All-In Tiers, check it out here: Click ME!

And our cross collab partner, Mark Monlux with Killer Klowns from Outer Space has fully funded so now every backer who backs both projects gets two FREE pins, one from each of us!

That's it, see you at the finish line!

We will unlock a new add-on pin design chosen by the backers!
Goal: $21,000 reached! β€” We did it! This project reached this goal!




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