Crimson Terrain
about 2 years ago

Project Update: Quick Update

Hey everyone I wanted to quickly update you all on where we are since I know it's been quite a while since the campaign wrapped and I posted my last update.

I am working on setting up the pledge manager and surveys to go out to you to collect the necessary information to deliver your rewards as well as offer you the chance to grab any addons you might want as well as make changes to your pledge. The items are all set up for the most part. The survey is still getting refined a bit and I'm working up some images to give you an idea of what is in the addons that I haven't shown any art for up to this point.

I am still waiting for the funds to clear and be transferred. Once they clear I'll be free to send out the surveys as soon as they are ready.

While we all wait to get the surveys and post-campaign going I'd like to share with you some of what I've been up to lately.

I have launched a Ko-fi where I am sharing everything I am working on. Mostly early draft versions of my work, behind-the-scenes looks at projects, opportunities to provide feedback on projects in development, and playtest copies of upcoming projects. Explorer & Adventurer members get access to all of my direct published work for free with their membership as well. I am also considering using this page as a way to chronicle the development of the terrain sets. If any of what I have mentioned is something you are interested in feel free to give that a look.

I also launched a website! and have been working on developing a small blog there called The Vorpal Spoon as well as offering my published works for sale direct from me.

I have been significantly ramping up my release schedule this summer. I have begun publishing a small one-shot adventure series for 5th edition fantasy called Tiny Terrors. I recently released the second issue and have already begun work on the third. I am shooting for a weekly release schedule on these tiny books for Tier 1 adventurers. I have seen a good amount of success with them so far and have been enjoying writing them so you can expect to keep seeing these pop up regularly for the foreseeable future, they are available (along with all my published work) at DriveThruRPG and

As always, I also encourage you to follow me on whatever social media platform you prefer. I am most active on Twitter, but I also post to Instagram and Facebook with some regularity (I'm trying to improve this last one). Follow me there @CrimsonTerrain Twitter | Instagram | Facebook 

Until next time I want to thank you again for your support and I can't wait to get these terrain sets out for you to use in your game.




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