Dias Ex Machina
5 months ago

Project Update: The big DECEMBER update.


I hope everyone has a fantastic holiday season.

We here at Dias Ex Machina are happy to announce two significant updates to Ultramodern5.


We recently went about updating Ultramodern5-REDUX before its upcoming epic offset print run. The fans supported unanimously, and I hope we have delivered.

As everyone who backed Ultramodern5 as a direct or supplementary reward received the PDF, all we did was add the revised 1.2 file to the UM5-REDUX entry on DriveThruRPG. All you need to do is head over to your account and download the updated file.

This new revised UM5 is over 20 pages longer and features more changes than I can count or even mention. All the fixes from the errata have been added, along with a bunch of new tweaks based on what we have learned in the past few years. We added rules for multiclassing, Hereditary, and Trained ability bonuses introduced in the revised Amethyst and even a few feats. We played with class balance and tried to make the book easier to read overall. 

This is not a HUGE revision. The book still looks the same. A few new illustrations were inserted, but everything else should be recognizable.

Currently, the POD option for UM5-REDUX has been deactivated as we work on securing a new prototype with the revised 1.2 edition. After that, a coupon will be sent out, allowing interested customers to purchase a revised POD. If you backed UM5 for an offset book, DON’T order the POD; offset books are coming (I mean, you still can; I won't stop you). That was the whole point of this.


We finally have progress. A wonderful, steely-eyed missile man, Bryan Alexander Krejci, came on board a few months ago to finally convert UM5 to Foundry Virtual Tabletop. 

This will eventually be a purchasable title on DTRPG, but FOR NOW, we are releasing the alpha files on DTRPG under the Ultramodern5 REDUX entry. This means that, like the revised 1.2 edition mentioned above, you only need to check out your downloads on your DTRPG account. Feedback is much appreciated, and we’ll be updating these files over the next few months until we finally reach an official retail release.

IF YOU BACKED the newest campaign and have the VTT modules listed as a reward, no worries, you’re getting these as part of your perks, so hold tight. Until then, enjoy these alpha files. 

I hope everyone has a great XMAS!!


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