Many folks have asked about us finding a way to add the slipcase for purchase so that people buying the hardcover sets can include it with their order.  We are working on figuring that out.  Unfortunately it's not as easy as just putting it up there and letting people have at it.  We are talking to the factory to make sure the slipcase will fit the hardcovers perfectly.  We don't want to put it out there and have anyone be unhappy with the end product.  It has to be top notch and that takes some time to make sure we get it right.  

We just want to reassure you that we have heard the requests and that we are actively working to figure it out.  Please be patient.  We hope that by the end of the week we'll have the disposition and the cost figured out so that an option can be offered. Costing, designs, approvals all take more time than any of us would like.    We are doing our utmost to keep the cost for fans as low as possible, as the slip case will be an optional add-on item.

Thank you to the fans that have been making positive suggestions to help us create the best collections we can.  It is appreciated!

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