Latest from the Creator
T. Ashley Jenkins
5 days ago
More Surveys! More!!
The survey "smoke test" didn't reveal any issues over the long weekend, so we're starting to send out surveys to everyone now! Be sure to check your email and your BackerKit acc...
T. Ashley Jenkins
10 days ago
Surveys are starting to go out!
Hello again!! We're starting to send out surveys through BackerKit now! Right now, we're just doing a "smoke test", sending surveys to a small percentage of backers to make sur...
T. Ashley Jenkins
12 days ago
All the merch is ready! Surveys soon!
Hello again from faerie!! A quick update! The printed backer rewards just arrived, and they look wonderful! Between that and the pins, I have everything I need to start packing...
T. Ashley Jenkins
19 days ago
Pins & Proofs!
Hello again, everyone! It's time for an update! The enamel pins just got here yesterday, and they look great! I'm really happy with how they came out. Making enamel pins is so ...
T. Ashley Jenkins
about 2 months ago
The bonus sticker sheet, and an update on rewards!
Hello hello again everyone! Did you know that getting a bunch of rewards manufactured and shipped to you takes a while? Weird I just got three boxes full of other boxes to put...
T. Ashley Jenkins
2 months ago
Getting the rewards made - plus an extra surprise!
Hello hello everyone! I just got access to most of the crowdfund money, so I've been busy slinging it everywhere it needs to go, including paying our collaborators and getting ...
T. Ashley Jenkins
5 days ago

Project Update: More Surveys! More!!

The survey "smoke test" didn't reveal any issues over the long weekend, so we're starting to send out surveys to everyone now! Be sure to check your email and your BackerKit account on the website to see if your survey has come in!

I'm more or less ready to start shipping out rewards, so as the finished surveys come in, I'll periodically 'lock' them in batches to get cards charged for shipping and additional addons. Then, rewards will start going out! Exciting!!

Digital rewards like the Backstage Pass invites, game keys, and cosmetics will be distributed separately from the physical rewards. I'll post an update when those become available!

I'll keep everyone posted, but in the meantime, enjoy a world of "petal" in it!!




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T. Ashley Jenkins
10 days ago

Project Update: Surveys are starting to go out!

Hello again!!

We're starting to send out surveys through BackerKit now! Right now, we're just doing a "smoke test", sending surveys to a small percentage of backers to make sure that everything is working right. If all goes well, we'll start sending out the surveys to everyone!

In the survey, you'll pay for shipping if you got physical rewards. You'll also have an opportunity to get addons if you didn't before! This way, you don't have to feel like you missed out if you wanted to get the enamel pins or something but couldn't pledge for them at the time for whatever reason.

I'll keep an eye on how things are going - let me know if anyone has any questions!




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T. Ashley Jenkins
12 days ago

Project Update: All the merch is ready! Surveys soon!

Hello again from faerie!!

A quick update! The printed backer rewards just arrived, and they look wonderful! Between that and the pins, I have everything I need to start packing up rewards and getting them sent out.

All printed and ready to go!

I got some help navigating BackerKit's arcane and labyrinthine backend, so we should be ready to start sending out surveys soon! Once you get the survey, that's when you'll be paying for shipping. If you're not in the United States, the shipping will be kind of expensive. I am very sorry about that!

I'm putting a little extra time and effort into the packaging - I got little plastic sleeves to bundle the sticker sheets into packs, and small cloth pouches to house the enamel pins, so everything isn't just floating all loose all over the place in the box. I hope that makes the unboxing experience a little nicer!

I'll keep everyone updated as things move forward, but for now, happy petaling!




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T. Ashley Jenkins
19 days ago

Project Update: Pins & Proofs!

Hello again, everyone! It's time for an update!

The enamel pins just got here yesterday, and they look great! I'm really happy with how they came out. Making enamel pins is so fun, it turns out. I'm gonna turn into an enamel pin making person and make 999 of them

All the enamel pins!

There is a small error in one of them that's my fault, though - the small area between Poppille's hair and her robe was meant to be a cutout. When I had them change the light cool gray on the pin to solid white, it must've recontextualized that white bit in the reference material as solid instead of transparent. I could have spotted this in the digital proof phase, but I just didn't! Luckily it's pretty minor. Probably few would have noticed unless I pointed it out, and I doubt it's enough of a deal breaker to make everyone wait another month while I get a new run of pins manufactured. I mean, unless it is! I'll do it if I have to!

I also recently got the hard copy proofs of the print merch, which includes the posters and the sticker sheets. They look great!

The posters and sticker sheets!

The old sticker sheets and posters look just as good as the first run, and the new poster and stickers turned out wonderfully. I'm especially glad to have logo stickers this time around. Next time I encounter a sticker-filled bathroom, I'll pull out one of these and put "Petal Crash" among them. Something funny - the 7" x 5" sheets can be printed 4 to a page, but the 7" x 5.5" sheets can only be printed 3 to a page, yet cost almost the exact same amount. Printing costs are weird

My next task is to get the survey sent out - it's at that point you'll pay for shipping and be able to indicate things like what storefront you want a key from, how you want your name in the credits, and whether you want the poster signed. Then, once the rest of the print stuff gets here, I can start sending them out!

I've got a fancy label printer now, which is great for shipping labels, but it also means I can print out fun stickers now. You might find a Friend & Fairy logo on the shipping box when you get your rewards!

Thank you all for your patience while I get this all ready! We've also been making progress on assets for the new game, which I'll be more than happy to share when the time is right. Until then, happy Petal Crashing!




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T. Ashley Jenkins
about 2 months ago

Project Update: The bonus sticker sheet, and an update on rewards!

Hello hello again everyone!

Did you know that getting a bunch of rewards manufactured and shipped to you takes a while? Weird

I just got three boxes full of other boxes to put rewards in, a label printer and labels to ship things out, and the enamel pins have been approved and are moving to manufacturing! Once we're close to ready to start actually shipping out the rewards, I'll get the survey sorted and sent out to everyone - that's where you'll enter your address information and pay for shipping.

In the meantime - check it out! The bonus stickers by kokuhaku are finished!

Since there are only three chibi characters this time around, there was a bunch of extra room on the sticker sheet. I could have made it smaller, but it wouldn't have made printing them that much cheaper, so instead I decided to fill the empty space with little bonus stickers - included are stickers for the Petal Crash 2 and original Petal Crash logos, the Friend & Fairy logo, and little mini-stickers of each character's little pixelated head that's used for the battle bar. The new chibi stickers are the same size and style as the originals from the first crowdfund campaign, so they can be used all together! Get the whole gang together!

You might notice that Libbie's design differs a bit from her appearance in the first Petal Crash! When I first adapted Libbie to the Petal Crash style, I was primarily going off her original design appearance - she was very geometric and abstract.

Libbie's original design.

I also mistook the white patterns on her feet for empty space and gave her heels when she didn't have any before. Oops.

This time around, I'm basing Libbie's design on a later illustration of Tyson Tan's for a "liberated Libbie", which makes her less icon-like and gives her a more detailed and organic appearance.

Her more detailed outfit will suit Petal Crash 2's new, expanded art style, and offer a lot more options for variety in character palettes! Libbie was so monochrome in Petal Crash Online, so having the ability to give different color options for her coat, dress, tie, hair, and other bits will open up a lot of possibilities.

I'm almost ready to show off some actual physical goods, and I'm so excited to do it! I can't wait to hold a handful of little metal Lilibris and start sorting them out to send to you all. Thanks again for supporting the future of Petal Crash!




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T. Ashley Jenkins
2 months ago

Project Update: Getting the rewards made - plus an extra surprise!

Hello hello everyone!

I just got access to most of the crowdfund money, so I've been busy slinging it everywhere it needs to go, including paying our collaborators and getting all the rewards manufactured! I even got it just in the nick of time to take advantage of a sale our enamel pin manufacturer was holding. Bonus!!

We did hit the stretch goal to get another sticker included with the physical orders, but since we ended up blowing so far past the final goals we set, I figured it'd be appropriate to include a bit of something extra as a surprise, so - surprise! I commissioned kokuhaku to do a few more chibi sticker designs, so the extra sticker is now a whole extra sticker sheet!

WIP - Now featuring Mimi, Baz, and Libbie!

It's still a work in progress, but I just got the sketches and I think they're all going to be super cute! Since this sticker sheet will only have 4 characters instead of 7 like the other one, I'll also have lots of room to put in little extra things.

For now, most of my attention is on various producer-y tasks, but once there's more to share, I'll be glad to share it! Thank you all again for your support - until next time!




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T. Ashley Jenkins
2 months ago

Project Update: We're all funded!! 🎉 What's the plan?

Hello, everyone!

Thank you again for all your support! Sorry for the brief bit of radio silence after the campaign. I, uh, sort of woke up having a panic attack yesterday and had to go to urgent care to make sure it wasn't anything serious. I'm all right though!! This also happened to me just before Petal Crash came out.

I thought now would be a good time to let everyone know what our plans for development are, as well as the timeline for the fulfillment of rewards!

Development Roadmap

We plan on going with an Early Access model, where major chunks of game content are released in major updates.

Early Access

Our first focus, and the one that this crowdfund has guaranteed, is to get the game to Early Access in the first place. For that, the game is going to need, at minimum:

  • The Score Attack modes (Time Trial, Turn Trial, Chain Trial, Trash Trial)
  • The Vs. mode (Including CPU opponents)
  • The Puzzle Editor
  • A good amount of example puzzles
  • 8 playable characters (with backgrounds & stage themes)
  • A complete set of animations for each character

We'll also be seeing about getting in Libbie, Baz, and the two guest characters during this phase, but they might be saved for a minor update later. Backstage Pass backers will get to play an incomplete version of the game, but Early Access will mark the point the game goes up for sale publicly.

I don't want to give a specific timeline, because I'm ALWAYS wrong when I try to, but I expect that we'll have the game in this state probably somewhere around the end of the year.

The Story Mode & Online Play

After the Early Access release, our focus for the next major updates will be the original Story Mode and Online, with rollback and lobbies and such. Both Jill and I will be working on these, of course, but my focus will be primarily on the Story mode (which mostly involves lots of new assets) while Jill's focus will be on online play (which mostly involves lots of new code).

Each of these will be the focus of a major update. We may publicly release either of these in an incomplete state ahead of time, as well - like one or two stories in the Story Mode, or functional Online play without the full lobby system implemented. Backstage Pass backers will definitely get to try all of these in their in-development forms.

Adventure Mode

Once both the Story Mode and Online Play are completely finished, all of our development effort will go into the expansive new Adventure Mode. A lot of stuff about the Adventure Mode is still up in the air design-wise, so it's going to involve a lot of rapid prototyping and experimentation to make sure it's fun. The Backstage Pass backers will get access to all of the sloppy in-between states the Adventure Mode is going to be in during development - the completion of the Adventure Mode will mark v1.0 of the game and the end of Early Access.

Console Ports

Once the game has reached v1.0, then we'll be able to turn our attention to the feasibility of console ports. We're fairly confident we'll be able to make them happen, but we probably won't doing a simultaneous v1.0 release between the PC and console versions. We're going to do our best to see if we can get online play cross-platform between PC and console as well, but no promises!

Backer Rewards

All of you who pledged to the campaign - thank you so much! You're probably wondering when you'll see your rewards, so here's the plan!

Physical Merch

I'm going to get started ordering and shipping the physical merch as soon as I have access to the funds! The survey will be going out in a few weeks - it's at that point you'll pay for shipping costs and enter your address and such. I anticipate people will be receiving their physical rewards in a month or two.

Game Key

Anyone who backed the game will get a game key once the game is in public Early Access. Extra game keys will be handed out as well!

Backstage Pass

We'll be making a Backstage server on Discord soon, and probably be sending out invite links along with the survey that everyone gets! The backstage access to the game itself will probably be done through Steam's beta testing system. I expect we'll probably have something ready for the backstage folks to play within a few months.

Cosmetic Rewards (Badges, gold/silver/bronze/custom costumes, etc.)

We'll probably be implementing the in-game cosmetic rewards around when Online becomes available - we expect to implement some kind of unlock method that's verified by the server so that just anyone can't play online with exclusive skins just by editing their save or whatever. We might implement a way for people to unlock them locally before then, too.

Credits & Credit Sprites

We'll have the credits implemented in-game once the Story mode becomes playable. When the survey goes out, those who backed for a credit will be able to enter how they'd like to be credited. The custom Petal Crash 1 & 2 style sprites in the credits are going to be the lowest priority thing for development - I can't imagine everyone wants to wait longer for the game itself to be finished while I spend months animating more than 50 backer sprites! My current plan is to get a still frame for everyone done first, and then get to animating them over time. I hope I can have everyone's sprites done and animated by the time we hit v1.0, but I'll definitely have the still frames done at least! If you got a custom credit sprite, the survey will include a field that lets you know the best way for me to get in touch with you to work that out.

If anyone has any questions about our plans for development, don't hesitate to ask! Thank you all again - I don't know about everyone else, but I'm feeling unstoppable!




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T. Ashley Jenkins
3 months ago

Project Update: We Reached the Jukebox Goal Already!

Wow! You all work fast!!

I'm running out of ways to humbly thank everyone for your support, but I'll do it again! Thank you for your support!! I thought $57,500 would be a stretch, but you all knocked it out of the park!

Well, now all there is to do is reach 60k, right? There are no more incentives, but the more we raise, the more arrangements we can commission and the more we can put into the game! We'll do our very best to make every penny count!

Especially this Penny




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T. Ashley Jenkins
3 months ago

Project Update: The Final Stretch Goal and Wrap-up Stream!

We did it! Libbie and Baz are going to be coming back!!

I'm really grateful that we managed to hit this goal - I've grown really attached to those two as a part of the cast, and I'm happy they'll be able to return. I saw a whole lot of Libbies in Puzzle Wednesday's last Petal Crash tournament, and it warms my heart to know that we'll have Libbies in the Petal 2 tournaments to come, too!

I wasn't sure we'd make it this far, so I wasn't sure what we could come up with as a follow-up stretch goal, but Jill and I put an idea together!

A jukebox is something that Jill wanted to put in, but which I originally put on the chopping block in order to cut down on scope. If we can hit $57,500, we'll add a jukebox feature to the game, featuring the new game's tunes alongside the original game's chiptune soundtrack, and even commission a few arrangements from guest musicians as well!

With the jukebox, you'll be able to listen to all the game's music, as well as select which ones will play in various game modes. Mix and match character themes and arrangements to your heart's content!

The more we raise past $57,500, the more new guest arrangements we'll commission! I don't want to give an exact number, but you can rest assured that few people want tons of remixes of Petal music more than I do.

I'll also be doing a stream in the last few hours of the campaign, as well! I'll be live on Twitch on Wednesday the 20th, from 10:00 AM PST to the conclusion of the campaign at noon and beyond! I might be a bit sleepy.

Thank you all again!! Excited to join you all in the next world on the petal!!
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T. Ashley Jenkins
3 months ago

Project Update: It's the Final Week! Will Libbie and Baz return?

Hello hello everybody!!

First off, I just want to say: thank you all again for your incredible outpouring of support! I've been stressing about this crowdfund for so long, but now that we've succeeded AND ensured that I'm going to have a chance to make the game my primary focus for a good while, I've finally been able to relax a bit! Where once I was tightly wound, I have now melted into a warm puddle of faerie material.

We've got one more major stretch goal ahead of us before the campaign ends: the return of Libbie and Baz! For those not familiar with the two and why they're in Petal Crash, here's a little bit of backstory!

Libbie and The Baz's original appearance in Petal Crash

Who's Libbie?

Libbie is a mascot character designed by Tyson Tan, originally made to represent the open source office software library LibreOffice. Tyson is a well-known proponent of open source creative software, and has designed mascots for many open source projects - including Godot, the game engine that Petal Crash 2 is built in!

While Libbie was originally made as part of a mascot design contest for LibreOffice, and was the clear frontrunner to be the contest winner, the whole operation was botched somehow and the mascot contest was canceled, so Tyson released Libbie into the public domain. Did you know anyone can use Libbie for anything? Use Libbie in your next project! There's nothing stopping you!

So, how'd she end up in Petal Crash? Well, you may have noticed that the highest backer reward in the current crowdfund lets a backer design their own hidden player character - and the crowdfund for the original Petal Crash had such a reward as well! Befitting her public domain roots, though, no single person contributed the full amount required to get Libbie in the game - instead, GalaxyTrail community member Jason "Scootles" Scott organized a mini crowdfund to raise the money needed collectively.

Contributors to the Libbie fund, as credited in Petal Crash

Did you know? Libbie also appears in Freedom Planet 2 as Mayor Zao's personal secretary. There's even a reference or two to her appearance in Petal Crash in her animations and dialogue!

Who's the Baz?

I must confess, I had barely any idea who the Baz was when he was originally pitched to me as a hidden character for Petal Crash. I had some vague idea that he was some kind of collectively owned in-joke character among the fighting game community, having made his major playable debut in DiveKick. Probably his best-known appearance was as a guest boss in Shovel Knight, where he's continued to appear as a supporting character throughout the series.

It turns out, Baz has kind of a fascinating history! Initially based on a rejected character concept for a Street Fighter 2 character, he was given a name and some rather expansive lore as a joke by the proprietors of the (now-defunct) game video channel Super Best Friends Play. He was imagined as an eternal reject - first rejected for a spot in Street Fighter 2, and then subsequently rejected or unable to fit in everywhere else he would try to appear, largely due to his wretched and immature personality.

I was initially hesitant to include Baz in the game because he didn't at all fit in Petal Crash, but once I did my research and learned about his character, it became immediately clear - that's exactly the point! He doesn't fit in anywhere!

By this point, both of the hidden character slots in the crowdfund were taken, but I agreed to make an exception and add a third for Baz. Just like with Libbie, Baz was added to the game via another community fund, this time organized by Timestamp Guy & Celio Hogane under the name "The Baz Everywhere System".

Contributors to the Baz Everywhere System

The Baz isn't technically explicitly released into the public domain the way Libbie is, but his creators have expressed that they're completely okay with people using Baz in any of their projects. I did make sure I had permission before including Baz in Petal Crash, though!

Libbie & Baz Return?

Because of Libbie and Baz's unique status as community-owned characters, there's really nothing keeping me from just putting them in Petal Crash 2 as well - I don't need to get permission from anyone! The major consideration is that adding extra characters now takes a lot more resources than it used to - every character in Petal Crash 2 has a stage background and full-body character portraits in addition to their own theme song, and the new sprites take more work to complete, being so much bigger, smoother, and more detailed.

Considering this alongside the fact that Petal Crash 2 will have new hidden characters appearing, I don't think it'd be unreasonable of me not to include Libbie and Baz in Petal 2, though I know they're both quite beloved characters, and have carved out a place for themselves as members of the Petal cast. I'd like them to return! That's why I made their reappearance a stretch goal - with this bit of extra funding, we'll have the resources to get them back in the game!

After that goal is met - who knows? I don't anticipate we'll get much more beyond $55,000, and that's quite all right with me. Really, the number one thing I want is for this game to get made, and we've already ensured that! Though, if we do get a surge of last-minute support, I'll definitely consider ways to reward everyone!

Thank you again, everyone, for all your support. I hope you're as excited to play this game as we are to make it!




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T. Ashley Jenkins
3 months ago

Project Update: We're so close to 50k!

Hello everyone!! Today I am sick. But I am only a little sick. Not too sick to give everyone an update!

First off - we're almost to 50k!! Wow wow!! I'm really relieved that I'm going to have the budget to take things a little easier and focus on Petal 2 for a good while. I expect we'll be able to get the game into Early Access much faster if I can give it my whole attention - thank you all so, so much! I'm really looking forward to getting the new Petal in all your hands.

Next, a couple updates about merch! Firstly, we have our new sticker by kokuhaku!

She's here to make your dreams come true!

LOOK HOW CUTE!! If you already have or are getting the original sticker sheet, Poppille here is going to fit right in with the rest of the cast!

This bit is less exciting, but I've been doing a bunch of preparation on the backend for manufacturing and fulfilling all the rewards. Last time, I didn't start shipping out rewards until the game itself was done, but this time around I want to get them out ASAP, now that I have a lot more help with the game development part. Look at this cool custom box sample I got from EcoEnclose!

A package! How exciting!

When it comes to mailing things, huge envelopes like the ones I used last time are essentially treated like packages - so why not actually just make it a package? These thin but sturdy boxes are way more durable, and just thick enough to let me slip some enamel pins in there too! I held this box in both hands and actively tried with all my strength to bend it, and it didn't work. Maybe I could have gotten it bent eventually, but I also didn't want to damage it too bad since it's the only one I have right now.

I'm really excited to get all this Petal 2 stuff made - the pins, the posters, and of course the game itself too. Here's hoping we can make it to $55k and get Libbie and Baz back in! Thank you for all your support!
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T. Ashley Jenkins
3 months ago

Project Update: We made the first stretch goal - let's keep it going!

We just reached the $47500 stretch goal, which means a new enamel pin and sticker for everyone to enjoy! Wahoo!! I've gone ahead and updated the addons to include the new pin, and once the sticker's ready, I'll add it too!

Two's company, but three's a clown!

There's no extra action needed for anyone who's already pledged for an addon that includes the enamel pins - there's just a third one in there now! And for anyone on the fence thinking about getting the pins - now it's a better deal!

It's only another $7500 until we can secure Libbie and Baz's return, and I hope we can all make it! Until then, thank you everyone for all your support!!




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T. Ashley Jenkins
3 months ago

Project Update: Meet Poppille!

We're really close to our first stretch goal, meaning a new sticker and enamel pin for everyone!

Meeting the stretch goal means more merch!

We've got a new enamel pin and a new sticker by kokuhaku, the same artist who did the original Petal Crash sticker sheet! Both feature Petal Crash 2's brand new character, so you're probably wondering: who is this mysterious jester-type gal anyhow?

Meet Poppille!

Born with innate magic, Poppille is a cheerful young sorceress with the power to manipulate dreams. Able to create dream worlds, manipulate the dreams of others, and alter them to her whim, the fun-loving Poppille spends every night doing anything she likes. 

Lately, "doing anything she likes" means subjecting our familiar friends from Petal Crash to a cycling scheme: every night, Poppille guides them on an adventure through her ever-shifting dream world, offering to help make their dreams come true, and they forget almost everything when they wake.

When one of our heroes enters the dream lucid by chance, they get a rare opportunity to break the cycle and get to the bottom of things! Why is she making them have this dream every night? Why is she toying with them in particular?

And what good are dream powers in the real world...?




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T. Ashley Jenkins
3 months ago

Project Update: It's Time for Stretch Goals - Libbie, Baz, and Extra Merch!

Phew! I was not prepared to already be talking about stretch goals on the second day of the whole crowdfund! Let's go ahead and file that under "a good problem to have"!

Now that we've reached our funding goal, it's time to take a look at what else we can do!

Our stretch goals are here!

Here's our first two stretch goals! If we raise enough money over our initial goal, we'll be able to bring these ideas to life!

$47500 - Bonus Sticker and Pin

If we hit $47500, we'll be able to include some extra merchandise for our backers at no extra cost to you! This will include an extra sticker and a third enamel pin, both featuring Petal Crash 2's brand new character! Who is she, you might ask? Don't worry, we'll introduce her properly before long!

The extra sticker will be included with any physical merchandise purchase, while the extra enamel pin will be included with the Lilibri & Yosoti set, changing it from an enamel pin 2-pack into a 3-pack! I'll have a design ready for that pin soon, which I'll reveal when we introduce the new character - keep your eyes peeled!

$55000 - Libbie & Baz Return

Back when the first Petal Crash was crowdfunded, a lot of fans came together to bring two characters to the roster!

Libbie the Cyber-oryx is a character originally designed by Tyson Tan as a mascot for a suite of open-source office software. Now fully released into the public domain, she's free to do what she loves, working hard to help you at all kinds of tasks! Beloved by many, she was added to Petal Crash by the generous contributions of many fans in the GalaxyTrail Discord server!

The Baz is a familiar sight to indie game fans everywhere, having made appearances in games like Divekick, Shovel Knight, and countless more. Based on a rejected character design, he was imagined by the Super Best Friends Play crew as a perennial reject, never fitting in anywhere - and thanks to the Baz Everywhere System, he got a chance to not fit into Petal Crash too!

Because of their unique origins and status as community-owned characters of a sort, there's nothing stopping us from bringing them back in Petal Crash 2, other than the resources we'll need to get them implemented!

A Secret Third Goal

On top of these two goals, there's a third, extra goal between them! This one won't add anything to the game, but it'd still be worth a lot - at least to me!

When I was putting the crowdfund for Petal Crash 2 together, the initial goal was $50,000, not $40,000 - the budget included $10,000 for me, so I could spend the better part of a year focusing entirely on developing Petal Crash 2 instead of taking on extra work to pay my bills month to month.

I was very worried about whether we'd be able to reach the goal, and almost all of the rest of the budget was set aside for properly compensating everyone else involved in the project, so there wasn't really much I could do to reduce the goal except to take out my cut. I figured that it'd be better to balance other work with Petal Crash 2 than to get no Petal 2 at all!

Now that we've reached our goal so quickly, though, I'm more confident than ever that I'll get the chance to make Petal Crash 2 my sole focus for a good while. If we can get up to $50,000, the budget will be right back where it was, and I'll be able to rest easy knowing I won't have to scramble to support myself while making the new game!

I know I'm going to swiftly run out of ways to say this, but every contribution really means a lot. I'm incredibly proud to have made something that so many people are willing to support, and I'm immensely grateful to my collaborators and community for making it all possible.

Here's to a bright future for Petal Crash!





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T. Ashley Jenkins
3 months ago

Project Update: We're Fully Funded Already!?

When I was getting this crowdfunding campaign ready, I was constantly agonizing over it - absolutely certain that I was asking too much, the rewards weren't worth the price, and I would be struck down for my hubris. But I was wrong!! I was wrong about everything!!! But the good kind of wrong where I wasn't optimistic enough!!!!

I thought this campaign was going to be an uphill battle for the entire month, and that I'd be scrambling to try and find ways to promote it or incentivize people to back it, but the outpouring of support the campaign got right away is absolutely staggering. I know that Petal Crash's community is a dedicated one, but... this level of dedication I clearly wasn't prepared for!

I am deeply, deeply grateful to each and every person who's backed this game, and that I have the opportunity to bring my dream of a more perfect Petal to life. I can only hope to make something worthy of all the support we've been so generously given. I only just woke up, but it's already time to talk about what's next! Once I'm up and about, we can talk stretch goals!

Until next time...

Petal Crash




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