So, in thinking about what content still needs to be done, I've concluded that there is at most one more expansion that will follow the format of RCR and Disperation, as Oblivaeon will necessarily be radically different, and the team-villain stuff, even if handled far differently than in EE, would not fit in the model followed so far. However, I have no way of guessing accurately just how differently this would change the contents of the boxes, so I'm going to assume heroes and environments will be the same. With that, my guess is: Box 4: The Team Box Reason: If DE is going to include all content from EE in some form, team villains are going to be included somewhere, and my guess is there won't be room for it in Oblivaeon, and the other box I imagine is going to be space themed, and since the next set has been confirmed to have Court of Blood, and that doesn't seem like it'd be in the space box. Villains: Team villains (Assuming it covers all of them, even without any new ones, that's 15 villains... either its an extra big box, or it works very differently) Environments: Court of Blood, Fort Adamant, Madame Mittermeir's Fantastical Festival, Mobile Defense Platform, Some kind of villain HQ/secret base for the new location? Heroes: Scholar, Guise, Southwest Sentinels, Naturalist, La Commadora, New Person Variants: I... dunno for this one? Maybe the Freedom Five variants for... well, the Freedom Five. Space Box: It feels somewhat unlikely that this would fit the RCR and Disperation format when squished between 2 boxes that don't, but I don't have much else to go on Villains: Wager Master, Progeny, Kaargra Warfang, Infinator, Deadline, Chokepoint, Space Baddie x3 (I haven't got into the Letter Pages podcast yet, so I don't know who to guess for the new villains. Maybe Empyreon?) Environments: Celestial Tribunal, Dok'Thorath Capital, Enclave of the Endlings, Maerynian Refuge, Some planet important to the lore....? Idk, where does Life/Deadline come from, maybe there Heroes: Sky-Scrapper, Writhe, Idealist, Doctor Medico, Mainstay, Some space hero Variants: I was going to say Space Parse, but I guess that would be either in Disperation already or saved for Oblivaeon, so idk. The Infinator-y variant for Captain Cosmic will probably be in here though,   Oblivaeon Villains: Oblivaeon + Scions. I assume we'll see all the olds ones and at least 2 new ones. Environments: Champion Studios, Mordengrad, Nexus of the Void, Time Cataclysm, Omnitron-IV, probably at least 1 more so that it can still have a new location. Oblivaeon seems like the set to have an extra environment deck anyway. Heroes: Luminary, Akash'Thriya, Stuntman, Benchmark, Lifeline, New Legacy Variants: Greatest Legacy for sure. Part of me wants to say every hero in the game will get a variant in this box as a big celebration, but no way am I guessing who that would be for everyone. I think that would have us hit all EE content while keeping a fairly consistent amount of all new stuff per box. Anything I'm forgetting, ideas about what would go in the spots I'm not sure about, or opinions about what would go in a different box? Also, guesses as to how team villains and Oblivaeon will be handled this time around? I could see team mode having a leader deck you customize with team sub-decks for different villains, if they wanted to split them so they weren't all in one box, maybe Oblivaeon would actually work within that system, with Oblivaeon as a leader deck and Scions as support decks, but idk how likely that would be. Personally I think Oblivaeon mode in EE is pretty solid and doesn't need to much of an overhaul, but I doubt team villain mode will get away with small changes in order to fix its issues.





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