Howard and Sandra Tayler
5 months ago

Project Update: Fully Funded! Thank you!

Thank you so much for your amazing support!  We're excited to get to reprint this book, make the posters, and create the pocket reference. We're also super surprised at the results of the birthday gift add-on. We thought "maybe we'll be able to go out for a nice dinner" but you all have funded something much larger. We'll stick to the promise of that money just being something for Howard. We just need to pause and think carefully about what that should be.

We're going to take the next week to breathe and take care of some back end stuff. We'll be back by the end of next week with a full status report and plan of action including information on combining orders and timelines. 

Thank you all so much! (Now we're off to go do birthday things.)
Howard and Sandra




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