Iron Circus Comics
6 months ago

Project Update: You have 48 hours to update your shipping address! Read below!

Hello again, folks! Spike here again with a second update in two days, coming in hot! Don't worry, I'll keep it short!

You should have just received an email from BackerKit, informing you that you have 48 hours to make sure your shipping address is up-to-date! That's just two days, so you have until 2:30 PM Central, Thursday, November 9th!

Addresses are locking now for people with completed surveys, because shipping of some backer rewards will begin before the end of November. This will primarily be for plushes and keychains.

If your shipping address is still what it was when you originally completed your survey, and it won't change anytime soon, you don't have to do anything.

If your shipping address IS going to change soon, or HAS changed since you completed your survey, please click the link in the BackerKit email and update your address!

And if you have yet to complete your survey, but are ready to do so now, you can fill it out here! You order and address will be locked next Monday.

Thanks, folks!
user avatar image for Tracy Butler




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