about 2 months ago

Project Update: Production and Rewards Update!

To all of you: Hello! My name is Sylphy and I am a new face here at Iron Circus Comics, taking over handling of posts here and on social media accounts. We apologize for the lack of communication from the latter half of the year 2023, this due to a couple unforeseen situations with a few from our team outside of their control, but we are all recovering and this was part of the reason I was added. It's great to be here to help you all! However, I do not control the [email protected] email - so if you have an issue that needs assistance or are looking for an update to a reply from this email, you'll likely get the clarification I can provide but then also a request to reach out to this email with a ticket number if applicable. Please allow 3-5 business days for review and a response if you send us an email. If you've already read this blurb 2+ times... ehhh. sorry.

On to updates!:

The majority of the plushies for backers have been sent out at this time and it is wonderful seeing you all pose and post and make little outfits for them! Like seriously, that's rad!

all my fellas...

We're excited to see you all receiving them and setting them up for display (me, specifically me) so please continue to do this! If you are having an issue with receiving your plushies, or have received them with wonky anatomy or broken accessories, please reach out to or if you are not receiving a reply, reach out to us at [email protected] with a picture of your plush and your order info so we can help you.

If you did not opt to get a plush when you originally backed the kit, you can also order one now at !

Even though the rewards have started to go out we do want to remind all our club members to fill out their survey as well as eventually we will need to take that down and it will be a shame if you miss out. That can be plugged in here if you haven't already done so:

Volume 1!

Book shipments are finally beginning their way in to our distributor in what we've been told are 3 incredibly large shipments!

Part 1 of this shipment containing Volume 1 and Essentials has already arrived to Ingram (the distributor) and Part 2 which has Volume 2 and more copies of Essentials is expected to be here 3/25, and then shipment Part 3 on 4/1 if there are no delays with the courier time. Once Ingram has all of the incoming shipments, we will then send the books to White Squirrel, who is our crowdfund fulfillment. These will then be shipped out to you. And an update here will happen when that shipment begins.

These books will be shipped independently of the pins and the card games in their own packages. However you may also still end up seeing the standalone Volume 1 in stores before the backer rewards are issued out by our fulfillment processor. If that ends up happening, we do apologize for this delay in receipt on your end. Backers will receive their books ahead of the Volume 2 and Essentials store release dates however.

Volume 2!

The Chevron pins are finally in! It's great to be able to share a couple photos with you all now that they look how they should!

It comes with this lovely backer to display it on when you aren't using it.

After the issue with the previous pin manufacturer where the casting was not as originally planned, we've arranged to work with a completely different manufacturer and have started talks with them to prevent another extended issue with the pin rewards. Talks with a new manufacturer are already underway and we thank you for your extended patience with this particular odyssey. Something will eventually happen with the original incorrect pins but we will get to that once the backer pins are issues out to you all.

Edit 3/28: As for the pins in the above picture, a large majority of those are in the process of reaching backers at this time! You should start to see yours arrive over the next 7-10 business days.

The card game mentioned is within the works now! We are speaking with a couple of different printers for sourcing options on our materials and once we have an idea of a timeframe a further update on this should become available. We're looking forward to having a few visuals to show you in the upcoming future!

Also upcoming (it's a big update!) is an additional mini-episode as well! One where Mordecai gets interrogated by a knee-high Ivy in a small peek into Lackadaisy's past. While we're excited to show you more in the future, we have a few club patron backer exclusives of what's coming up for you all to see below:

Includes Backer-Exclusive Content




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