I dreamed of an incomprehensible city, realities stacked on top of each other. I lived a thousand lives in a thousand worlds and witnessed the end of each one. But it wasn't sad, because I was always in love. The last moment I had before I woke was sharing breakfast with a dearly loved friend, with fresh eggs, and avocado toast, and bittersweet french pressed coffee in chipped old mugs, as the last of the lights of reality went out. When I woke up, I walked to the store in the dawn, and I came back home and made coffee and avocado toast, and I checked online and found that this campaign was live. I don't know if that's what this book is about. It doesn't need to be. But there's always a possibility, right? After all, I haven't explored this city yet. I can't wait to hold this in my hands. Thank you for creating. It matters so, so much. <3





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