Manda Shafer
6 months ago

Project Update: Surveys and Next Steps

Hi everyone,
Backerkit is wrapping up the payment processing on their end either today or tomorrow. That will give me a final list of everyone who successfully backed the project. 

My next step is to finalize the backer survey. This'll collect vital information for me to continue the process. I need to complete the setup and have it go through a review process with Backerkit. Once they give their go ahead, we do a smoke test. This means the survey is sent to a few people to make sure it works how we anticipate. Once everything is good, the survey will go out to everyone.

I'll be reaching out to those who backed the upper levels starting this week to gather photographs. So look out for a communication from me on that and start gathering your images.

I'll keep you all updated as things progress, so you know the project is on target.  Thank you again!




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