Michele Abounader
about 2 months ago

Project Update: THANK YOU!!!

Hi Everyone!

Sending a quick THANK YOU to all of our amazing backers. We would not be able to make this book without all of you, so we are so grateful for your support.

What happens now?
We make the book. Our talented writers and artists are already working on getting their stories completed for this collection!

There will be a pre-order shop opening within the next couple of weeks, and surveys will be sent out ASAP, I just need to wrangle a bit of info first regarding packaging and weight to figure the most accurate shipping costs for you. There's much to do!

I'll be keeping you updated along the way as pages keep coming in, and the book design starts to come together. As of right now, we are hoping to be off to print by the End of April/Beginning of May to ship to you in June.

Thank you again for all of your support! More info coming soon!

Some other great things to check out:

LGBTQ+ Fox & Wolf Enamel Pins Created by Kat Calamia & Phil Falco
Celebrate Queer Pride with FOX & WOLF enamel pins representing different Pride Flags! GAY, TRANS, LESBIAN, PAN, ACE, BI, & NONBINARY!
Pride Pins!


Wail - a one-shot horror comic by Richard Fairgray
People wonder why ghosts wail, but Beth knows the answer. A new horror from the artist & co-creator of Shed.


Coiled to Strike by WildStar Press
A Western Comic Anthology

If you see a snake with the devil’s horns, you better pray you don’t meet their gaze. 

A smart man will tell you it’s best not to cross an angry viper. A wise man will tell you that the ‘Viper with Devil Horns’ is named Emory Graves and is the most dangerous of them all. No one truly knows who or what, Emory Graves is but much like a wildfire, rumors spread. Are they seeking revenge for their family? A lost love? Maybe they really are the Devil’s Aid, sending the unfortunate to death’s door with the venomous bite of their bullet. Or are they just a cowboy getting their kicks causing trouble? 

A few fine folks have come to WildStar Press (a saloon where stories are traded, if you will) to share some of those tales, truths?, rumors, and more about the mysterious Emory “The Viper” Graves. 

Coiled to Strike





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