Hey, all!

HAS THERE EVER BEEN A BETTER TIME TO BE A CYPHER SYSTEM FAN? We think not! But if anything the future is even more exciting!

We have another announcement coming. (The Character Builder Monday, OGoA yesterday, the Hacker's Matrix unlocked and Cypher System Bestiary about to come out--it's been a heck of a week for Cypher System news!) We'll share this new announcement in the next update, when we unlock the current stretch goal.

Speaking of which, we're already over 2/3 of the way there. We could hit it this afternoon. IF YOU HELP.

Remember that despite our best efforts, MCG can't reach all of the tens of thousands of gamers out there who might be interested in Knights of Dust and Neon. When you, the backers, mobilize, your combined reach dwarfs ours. Share this campaign, and help those gamers find it. We're only about 75 backers (as of this writing) from unlocking the Gunslinger Knights upgrade--and we're excited about what's next!




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