Publishing Goblin
about 2 years ago

Project Update: Surveys, Add-Ons, and Pre-Orders

The Lords

Czarfunkle is still wrapping up the final Lords, which is almost a complete set! Check out the Stitch Queen, Martyr of Wounds, and Bearer of Boons from the new dice here! We have just a few left-- The Showman, some slight edits to the Alleyman, and They Who Hunger. Then, whoever the 22nd Lord is! : )

Surveys and Add-Ons

I'm so sorry everyone, I thought I'd have things in place Friday, but I had some waiting to do as Backerkit checked over the project to make sure things were all good to go. As of right now, the first 5% of surveys have been sent out.

While you are filling out your survey, you will be taken to the add-on store, where you can grab items to fill out your cart. Please note that the items you pledged for in your pledge tier are already in your cart, so you don't have to add those. However, if you tried to add an extra $10 for the Lord's Oracle, it's now a credit ready to be assigned to the Lord's Oracle.

Once the first 5% of surveys have gone through without issue, the remaining 95% will be sent!

What Do I Add?

Anything that was an 'add-on' on this project is now directly available to go in your cart in your survey. You wanted the YES/NO Goblin Coin? Or a second or third set of dice, an extra book, an extra reading cloth, a plastic set of dice to go with your stone, or a stone set to go with your plastic? Either or both of the Oracle Decks? Now, you add those to your cart. You are finally directly including the exact items you want to your order.

Keep in mind you'll have a few weeks to pick what you want and around August I will be locking orders in place.

(If you pledged in the first 24 hours, your free Lord's Oracle is already added to your order. You don't need to add it!)


Please remember that from the start, we have been planning to wait on charging shipping. So your shipping address can change as much as you want until we lock addresses to ship, likely in late October/early November. It will be shortly before that time that we finally charge shipping costs.


If you supported this Backerkit project, you'll be adding items to your order through the surveys, mentioned above. These will be emailed to you directly, so please keep your eye there for those. If you are not a person who made it in on this campaign though, you (and everyone else) can now purchase pre-orders from the pre-order store, linked below.

Again, this link is NOT for people who backed during the life of the project. You will get a survey sent to you by email that you will be able to go through to add items. If you use the link above and make a Pre-Order, it will not combine with your original order, and you WILL be charged shipping twice in the end.

Pre-Orders and added items from the surveys will add to our overall total for stretch goals! So let's get some more of these goals unlocked.

Thanks so much for being amazing, we're entering the final run to get things in manufacturer's hands! Talk again very very soon,





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