Publishing Goblin
about 2 years ago

Project Update: The Remaining Lords

Hello everyone!

I have made decisions on the 22nd Lord and Die, but I am waiting to share with you until I have the Lord's art, which czarfunkle is doing right this moment. I am excited to share that it is more than anyone expected, and will make many people quite happy, if the votes were anything to go by.

First, I want to share the deck back! This will be on the backs of all the Lord's Oracle cards as well as the die face deck, which I'll be able to share very soon.

Elegant, right? I am quite in love. Since both oracle decks will have the same card backs, you are fully supported in mixing them together. What could be more right than the lords in the deck with their die faces?

So now, the remaining two lords before the 22nd...

You already know the Alleyman, I presume? If not, I highly suggest the fictional podcast that delves into that very question. The Alleyman is no one single person, it is a moving spirit among humanity. It is the man down the street telling you that you're going to hell and the rapture is nigh, and the woman sitting in the old plastic chair in the entrance to her tiny ice cream shop. The Alleyman is the personification of our belief that there is something wonderful just beneath the world we live in. If we'd only taken the alley shortcut, we might have seen something strange and unbelievable. Something to break the trance we find ourselves in during our daily rituals. The one who presides over the Alley Die.

Well, here she is. The Alleyman, with a card to give and a story to tell.

And last but certainly not least-- I would be in some extreme trouble if I dared suggest such a thing about him-- we have he who needs no introduction, and yet asked for one to be read. The one with the contracts to give you fame and fortune, the one with the bright lights that will carry you to stardom, the very same one who knows what you have hidden in the back room, locked away from all focus, it's the lord of the Attentions Die.... The Showman!

Talk again very soon with some exciting news regarding a certain 22nd Lord....

Ta ta for now!





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