Publishing Goblin
almost 2 years ago

Project Update: An Update | The New Projects

Hello all!

As of right now I'm playing the waiting game with the production. There's nothing for me to do for them at the moment so I'm hovering around for the manufacturing proofs. I want to include some photos of the new set, cloth, etc in the book, and definitely the stone dice as well, so I'm hanging on to the book's print files until I get the manufacturing test copies of everything else. Books print quickly so I can afford to hold onto them until dice manufacturing begins in earnest, as it's what will take the longest.

We should still be good for February, but I'll let you know if it speeds up or slows down.

And a reminder to anyone who got a copy of the Alleyman's Tarot, they will ship with your order of the dice.

New Avernus

New Avernus is live right now here on Backerkit, and in the first 7 hours it already funded! This is super exciting, simply put. I can't wait to get this game out there in the world. Asher did a remarkable job with the game's design and gameplay, and Emma did an equally incredible job on the visual design. I'm super glad to be present among such talent! : )

Want to join the apocalyptic world of New Avernus and race against the impending meteor to build a city worthy of your cruel, capricious god? No? What about a 30-card Oracle Deck, unique to the game? Get either or both! Pledge right now in the first 24 hours of the campaign to get the Oracle Deck free with the purchase of your game!

Head on over and pledge now-

The Alleyman Podcast CD Set

Or if you're feeling super niche in your interests, might I interest you in the Alleyman Podcast on a 6-CD Set? It's funding over on Kickstarter right now and is over halfway there already! It includes awesome new art on the packaging and cds, as well as on 7 new Alleyman tarot cards which come with the CD set. The book has the scripts and behind the scenes info and trivia!

The podcast is 13 episodes and follows Dr. Ala Okoye, host of Modern Mythologies, as he explores urban legends through an academic lens. It begins with his first steps into the Alleyman mythos, and then grows from there over the course of three other fictional podcasts within the story's world.

If this sounds up your alley, or you already listened and loved it, now is the time to get an amazing package for your book shelf!

And just a reminder that the manufacturing and fulfillment teams on these two new projects are different from one another AND from the oracle dice, so there's zero overlap that could cause any of them to slow one another down. 

Thanks for your patience and support, I'm way overly excited for the proof set of these dice to arrive. The box is going to look so freaking good with the full 22 set, and I want to roll them, damnit! Be back soon when such a thing happens!





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