Publishing Goblin
about 2 years ago

Project Update: The Cover, The Coin, and the Last 24 Hours

Hello lovely people!

The live readings yesterday were so fun, and I appreciate everyone who came!
If you missed out, you can see the two, 2-hour live reading sessions over on our instagram above. I've been told I have a soothing voice, so maybe I'll be fun to play in the background of your work day.

Czarfunkle has delivered on a lovely cover, and the back cover is just waiting for me to fill it out with my blurb! As you can see, we fit 9 of the lords on the front/back covers and I think they all look quite fun. Czarfunkle is still working to wrap up the remaining Lords, but it won't be long before I can share those, too! (The dice faces are all updated, but I'm saving sharing those for my last surprise, I think.)

Add Ons

Also, we unlocked the coin when we broke $200,000! It is now a $3 add-on. It will be in an antique copper, and will be better balanced for flipping than the Alleyman's coin was. I also want to reiterate that I'm going to count the first week or two of the pledge manager after the campaign is over for our stretch goals. That means as people finally add their add-ons to their orders, we could see a nice little spike to get us closer to the reading journal.

Final 24 Hours

In these final hours before we end (and make our way to the pledge manager for everyone to claim add-ons), I highly recomend and request that as many of you as are comfortable please share the campaign with your friends and family. Every cent that comes into this campaign is massively appreciated, it helps get us closer to the last extras I really wanted to include, and it helps your local Publishing Goblin make ends meet. : )

Thank you for making this such a great success, and I can't wait to have the full new set of dice in our hands. It's going to be amazing! (I'll be unreachable this weekend as my brother is visiting from out of town, but I will be back at things Monday!)





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