Publishing Goblin
over 1 year ago

Project Update: The Final 72 Hours

On this project, posting such an update sure makes it sound like the Meteor is coming in real life. Or perhaps a falling moon...

I had no idea what to expect trying to jump into games after only finally gathering a real following of supporters in divination. This was certainly more than I could have hoped for! Thank you for your incredible support! 

As I continue to post in various places of the games world online, I would appreciate any and all help spreading the news of the game! Twitter, facebook, tumblr, wherever you think you can share the project would be helpful.

The Solo Play

I've also had time to sit and play through the Solo version of the game with the Oracle Deck. It's a truly strange and unique play experience. To take actions, you reveal cards of the Oracle Deck instead of using worker pawns. Depending on what card comes up, you gain additional affects after your action is taken. Your structures that produce resources might finally give you those resources, or the meteor tracker may gain in strength as a negative effect befalls you, or you may gain some other boon. Exploring the level 2 or 3 ruins spaces? You'll have to flip over 2 or 3 cards at once. 

The game's pace is wildly different than the multiplayer experience. You set it. Need to take a moment to get your bearings and figure out where to play next, or what structure might be best to build? Take your time. But each time you take an action, moving forward to explore or build, the deck draws you faster and faster until you get closer to its bottom, where the Meteor awaits to end it all. 

It's a very fun and engaging version of play, where as you take actions the game pulls you deeper into the thick of things. If you don't have the oracle deck yet, I highly suggest adding it now! 

The Future of the Game

A week or so ago, Asher (the co-creator and lead designer of the final version of the game) and I sat down to chat about the future of the game. It's great, it's fun, and it's complete, but there's always space for more. The original version of my game had Traitors and direct competitive elements where you could make things worse for other players. In that version, your city could be destroyed multiple times during the game, and points gathered cumulatively.

The future looks like an expansion set of the game with a few fun options.
  1. New factions to play as are, of course, a requirement. 
  2. A Threat system that builds danger during play, which can cause bad things to happen to everyone as more and more risks are taken, well before the meteor hits. Each player can take on more Threat to make bigger risks for themselves, or actively seek to dampen their own Threat levels with unique structures and abilities.
  3. Stickers that add new mechanics to old cards, structure tiles, and faction cards to make the core game forwards compatible.
  4. Stickers that can be played on the back sides of play boards for a Legacy version of the game, where each game only leads into further and further game states in later play throughs.
  5. And I've always wanted to see a cooperative, large-scale city-builder version of the game where you all work on one large board to build the greatest city that can stand!

All of these future expansions of the game will be compatible with the core game you are getting now, and none will just simply replace components in the core game. Through clever rules and some stickers, every element of the core game will carry forward into the future expansions, even some expansions that will change the rules themselves down to every last piece of how the game plays.

Thank you for joining me on this weird boardgame journey. I can't wait to see what the future holds for New Avernus!

your Publishing Goblin




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